Veronica Baxter is based at the Centre for Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies at the University of Cape Town. She researches applied theatre and drama in education, social justice and health. She organises the BA Honours, MA Drama and MA Applied Theatre programmes, and supervises PhD students in cognate areas. She serves on the advisory board of The Mothertongue Project and co-convened the academic programming of ASSITEJ/ITYARN ‘Cradle of Creativity’ World Congress in May 2017. Her most recent publications are Applied Theatre: Performing Health and Wellbeing. 2017 – co-written and edited with Katharine E. Low, and also co-written, ‘Occupational health and TB: a feasibility study of participatory theatre with South African healthcare workers’ in The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 21 (2). 2017.