Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Metinnam İhsan

Research assistant, Faculty of Education, Trakya University, Turkey

Katerina Alexiadi

Educator, MA in Theatre Studies, NKUA (University of Athens), MSc in Cultural Management, doctoral candidate in the department of Media, Communication and Culture, Panteion University, Greece

Papariga Fotini

French and German language teacher, Greece

Alexiou Giouli

Greek language and literature teacher, Greece

Anastasiade Maria

Social worker, drama facilitator, Cyprus

Polyviou Eleni

Greek language and literature teacher, drama facilitator, Cyprus

Andreasen John

Associate professor, Department of Dramaturgy and Musicology, Aarhus University, Denmark

Avdi Avra

Greek language and literature teacher, drama teacher, Greece

Kondylidou Areti

Archeologist, social anthropologist, Greece

Baldwin Patrice

Education Consultant, past President of IDEA, Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts, UK

Jenny Karaviti

Greek language and literature teacher, theatre/drama pedagogue, Greece

Beljanski-Ristic Ljubica

Founder, ex-President and honorary member of the Center for Drama in Education and Art- CEDEUM, Serbia

Marjanovic-Shane Ana

Independent scholar, professor of Education, USA

Stojiljković Jelena

Serbian Language and Literature teacher, Serbia

Jelić Aleksandra

Founder, president and theatre director of the ApsArt Centre for Theatre Research, Serbia

Brendon Burns

Programme Leader, BA(Hons) Community Drama, The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, UK

Cheung Kung-Man-Matthew

PhD Candidate at Monash University, Hong Kong

Nikoletta Dimopoulou

Theatre teacher/facilitator, Greece

Kareta Eirini

Trainer/ Partnerships and Programmes Coordinator British Council Greece

Doumpa Vivian

Urban planner, geographer, Greece

Karamoutsiou Maria

Theatre/ drama pedagogue Greece

Karamoutsiou Alexandra

Music teacher, musicologist, Greece

Gillett Johnny

Theatre director, story practitioner, UK

Zanni Maria

Body psychotherapist, social anthropologist, criminologist, Greece

Jackson Adrian

Artistic Director of Cardboard Citizens, UK

Jozifek Zsófia

Actress, theatre/ drama pedagogue Hungary

Meszlényi-Bodnár Zoltán

Theatre director, actor, theatre/ drama pedagogue, president of Nyitott Kör (Open Circle) Theatre in Education (TiE) Company, Hungary


«September 2024»
Παιδαγωγική - Οργανωτική συνάντηση

Παιδαγωγική - Οργανωτική συνάντηση

Διαδικτυακά 2-3/9/2024, πρόγραμμα "κι αν ήσουν εσύ;" Συνέλευση Τοπικών Συντονιστών και ΔΣ
Παιδαγωγική - Οργανωτική συνάντηση

Παιδαγωγική - Οργανωτική συνάντηση

Διαδικτυακά 2-3/9/2024, πρόγραμμα "κι αν ήσουν εσύ;" Συνέλευση Τοπικών Συντονιστών και ΔΣ
"Τηγκανά" - θεατρική παρασταση

"Τηγκανά" - θεατρική παρασταση

Αθήνα, 27-28/9/2024 στο Θέατρο ΑΛΚΜΗΝΗ, Πάμε Θέατρο
Feminist Festival 2024

Feminist Festival 2024

Athens 29 September 2024 TENet-Gr's participation - "artists against genocide" & "monologues from the Freedom Theatre"
TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) teachers training

TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) teachers training

Lesvos Greece 24-25 /2/2024 teachers training
TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) teachers training

TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) teachers training

Lesvos Greece 24-25 /2/2024 teachers training
TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) teachers training

TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) teachers training

Lesvos Greece 24-25 /2/2024 teachers training
TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) teachers training

TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) teachers training

Lesvos Greece 24-25 /2/2024 teachers training
TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) teachers training

TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) teachers training

Lesvos Greece 24-25 /2/2024 teachers training


Αναζήτηση με φίλτρα

Αναζήτηση με λέξεις κλειδιά