Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Personal Stories: Identity beyond gender

Personal Stories: Identity beyond gender

Ag. Ioannis Piliou, 26/8/2019, Complementary workshop, Flora Asoumanaki

Event date: 8/26/2019 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Export event

Theatre Summer Camp “Pelion Greece 2019”

Agios Ioannis Pelion Greece, 25-31 August 2019

Complementary Workshop


Personal Stories: Identity beyond gender

Flora Asoumanaki, actor, director, drama, theatre theoretician
Language Greek


The idea of gender and how it should be performed are both controversial and debilitated concerns in the bibliography and the history of human intellect. In this workshop we will approach the modern version of performative gender by associating it with the theatrical performance. Through the embodied theatrical experience, the participants will be asked to establish a new, poetic language that includes all the possible forms of sex without the unnecessary- and often rigid, dividing lines. We will use the techniques of educational and social drama, symbolic play and the creation of poetic language through the impulses of the body.

Flora Asoumanaki studied Greek language and literature in Thessaloniki, while at the same time she got intensely involved with university theater groups (2007-2013). She studied
acting at the theatrical studio “Averto” (2011-2014) and also followed the postgraduate program "Dramatic Art in Education and Performing Arts in Lifelong Learning" (2016-2018). She has been dealing with the notion of gender issues since November 2016, while her postgraduate dissertation has dealt with "Dramatic art in education as a tool for negotiating gender discrimination". Since 2008 she has worked as an Animatrice in the company "Anemoscorpismata" and since 2018 as a facilitator in the program "Educating the public in ancient Greek drama". She has attended numerous seminars in Greece and abroad, and is a member of the Hellenic Drama/Theater in Education Network.


Organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

++302106541600 / info@theatroedu.gr / www.TheatroEdu.gr


Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2019 γ' τρίμηνο
  • Αγ. Γιάννης Πηλίου
  • Ασουμανάκη Φλώρα

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