Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

The creatures of the camp: a puppet and mask workshop for children"

The creatures of the camp: a puppet and mask workshop for children"

Pelion Greece, 25-31/8/2019, Workshop for children, Anastasia Kordari

Event date: 8/25/2019 5:00 PM - 8/31/2019 3:00 PM Export event

  • Attending: 14
  • Seats: 15
  • Remaining: 1
  • Price: 95,00 € - 115,00 €
95,00 € - 115,00 €
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Children’s Workshop “Pelion Greece 2019”

"The creatures of the camp: a puppet and mask workshop for children"

for children 6-12 years old

Facilitator: Anastasia Kordari

Taking inspiration from the natural landscape of the Pelion camp, we are going to create along with the children a playground of expression, exploration and discovery through free and organized activities.

The main subject of the workshop will be puppet and mask making with natural materials. Children are going to create their own puppet creatures and improvise their own stories. At the same time, they are going to be engaged into other visual activities, crafting musical instrument, doing experiments and games.

Anastasia Kordari was born in Drepano, Nafplio Greece in 1988. She has a degree in Educational Science and Early Childhood Education, University of Patras. She have finished her Master of Arts in Arts and Education at the Institute of Art and Design of Birmingham City University (UK) with distinction and Scholarship (2012-2013). She is a PhD Student in the Faculty of Early Childhood Education, National Kapodistrian University of Athens looking into “the puppet, puppeteer and the audience relationship in the educational framework" (2015-today). She is working as an instructor at the Department of Childcare Assistants of the Public Institute of Vocational Training. She is participating in the program "Educating the Audiences in Ancient Drama" (2017, 2018) and in the "Epidaurus Creative Workshop for children" (2017, 2018) of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival. She has been teaching the "Puppet making and performing workshop" in the Master Program "Drama and Performing arts in education and lifelong learning" of the Department of Theatre Studies in Nafplio (2016, today). She has attended puppet making, manipulating workshops and art workshops in Greece and abroad. She is a co-founding member of "Celesta Puppet Theatre" and the drama and storytelling group “Mithoperipatites". She is a member of UNIMA and the Hellenic Theatre/Drama and Education Network.


Organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) as part of the Theatre Summer Camp "Pelion Greece 2019"
Info: ++302106541600 / info@theatroedu.gr / www.TheatroEdu.gr


Action Category
  • Workshops for students
Εργαστήρια για Μαθητές
  • Άλλο
  • 2019 γ' τρίμηνο
  • Αγ. Γιάννης Πηλίου
  • Αγ. Γιάννης Πηλίου
  • Κόρδαρη Αναστασία

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