Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Theatre Summer Camp - Pilion 2018

Theatre Summer Camp - Pilion 2018

Agios Ioannis Pilion Greece, 26/8-1/9/2018

Event date: 8/26/2018 - 9/1/2018 Export event

Event Location: Άγιος Ιωάννης, Πήλιο / Agios Ioannis, Pilio, Greece

''Changing aspects''

From 26 of August to 1 of September 2018, the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network holds its 17th annual Theatre Summer Camp- Seminar at Agios Ioannis Beach, Mt Pilion, Greece.
We stay and work in the friendly and relaxing environment of a well organized campsite, by the sea.
Artists, teachers, educators, actors, musicians, visual artists, theatre practitioners and scholars share their stories and communicate using as a medium/tool several theatrical techniques whilst investigating their application in education.

This year the Camp also hosts a "Students Workshop" (13-17yrs)

The Camp-Seminar includes practical theatre & drama workshops, story-telling night by the camp fire, project presentations, performances, activities in the area (hiking, tours etc.) physical exercise, swimming, free time and a farewell party.

Pelion Camp 2018 also hosts the Project:
"It could be me - It could be you"
The refugee issues and their impact on education of young children in particular will be approach though discussions, workshops and a Forum Theatre performance by members of the “it could be me-it could be you” project run by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) and UNHCR Greece (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)

The location:

Agios Ioannis is a seaside village 55 km from Volos Town, on Eastern Mt. Pilio, Central Greece, located in an idyllic place. Its unique, blue flagged beach, with pearl like pebbles, is the main attraction of the village, which offers many choices of accommodation and catering. Agios Ioannis has turned into a well-organized tourist resort because of the infrastructure developed in the village and the wider area during the last 20 years. Additionally, one of the advantages of the village is the fact that it is located close to the most famous mountain villages of Eastern Pelion and between the famous beaches of Plaka and Papa Nero.

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network
(non profit association)
++302106541600 / info@theatroedu.gr / www.theatroedu.gr

First Tab NameAccomodation - Food
First Tab Content


Location: This year’s summer camp is hosted in the camp premises of YMCA at Agios Ioannis Beach, Mt Pilion, Greece. It is is a well-organized camp (hosts children and young people all summer long) next to the sea surrounded by trees. There will be staff (cooks, cleaners, janitor and guard) ready to meet our needs but we are all expected to take care of the premises and ..ourselves.

Accommodation: participants sleep in “camp houses” i.e. big tents of 6 beds, with shared showers and toilets.
Must-bring items: 2 bed sheets, sleeping bag and a small pillow.
There are no electric sockets available in the “camp houses-tents”, so bring a flashlight/torch.
There is ellectric power sockets in the bathrooms area (bring a short power extension)

"Rent rooms" available just outside the camp in the nearby village (but we strongly suggest the "camp tents" )

Food: Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) will be served at the camp’s open air restaurant by volunteers. There will be provision for vegetarians.

What to bring:
Bed sheets, sleeping bag and a small pillow
Towels & personal hygiene products,
personal medicine (if needed),
a small hiking backpack,
water bottle,
beach/swimming gear,
a hat,
a light raincoat (just in case…)
a jumber
walking shoes
overnight under the stars geer (optinal!)
musical instruments (most welcomed!)
an electric extension cable for charging mobiles

Workshops space
All workshops will take place outdoors, under the trees
An exercise mattress and comfortable clothes for lying on the ground are necessary.

Second Tab NameTimetable
Second Tab Content


Third Tab NameRegistration - Costs - Terms
Third Tab Content


The Camp - Seminar is carried out with the voluntary participation/support of the facilitators and organizers. No οne is paid.

The following costs cover the accommodation, food and management expenses.

Cost: 240 Ε

Price includes:
Α) Participation in one "Main Workshop" as well as the rest of the “camp activities”, (short workshops, performances,etc.).
Β) 6 overnights in “camp houses” (big tents with 6-7 beds) with common bathrooms, toilets
C) 3 meals per day (breakfast, light lunch, dinner), evening coffee, farewell party.
Notice: No diner on Wednesday night.  On departure day only breakfast and lunch will be served.

Travelling costs are not included.

There is a BUS TRANSFER from Athens to Camp site (write to info@theatroedu.gr for details)

Applications process for international non-Greek participants:

Anyone interested should:


Registration must be done strictly by following the next steps

Step 1: Create an account to our website

Already have an account for our website? ....go to Step 2
New to our site? Create an account ...

Step 2: Ways of Payment & Conference Registration Form

- via Transfer money to ALPHA BANK GR7301402020202002002000277
Note: Please make sure your name, surname and "Pilio 2018" indication is mentioned.


-  via CARD (see below)
Note: Please make sure to include "Pilio 2018" in the field "Add special instructions to the seller"


Step 3: Fill in the  REGISTRATION FORM 

Step 4: Enroll to a main workshop

Those who have already completed the above registration steps will be able to enroll to certain Workshop. Notice: places in workshops is limited

Secretary/Info: ++302106541600 / info@theatroedu.gr / www.TheatroEdu.gr

Fourth Tab NameOpen events
Fourth Tab Content

Open events



Fifth Tab NameTravel
Fifth Tab Content



Agios Ioannis is a seaside village 55 km from Volos Town, on Eastern Mt. Pelio, Central Greece.

Camp organisers have arranged a bus from Athens to Camp site at Agios Ioannis Village
Departure from Athens: 26/8/2018, 09:00
from Stanley Hotel, Plateia Metaxourgeiou, METRO "Metaxourgeio"
Departure from Agios Ioannis: 1/9/2018, 15:00, arriving Athens at midnight

Bus costs 65€ return

Another bus is also organised to leave VOLOS TOWN on 26/8/2018, at 14:00, in front of the KTEL Main Bus Station

To book a seat please write to info@theatroedu.gr


Sixth Tab NameOrganization - Secretary
Sixth Tab Content

Organization - Secretary


Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

Seventh Tab NameWorkshop for young students 13-17
Seventh Tab Content

for young students 13-17
"The big F"

Language : greek

This is a workshop for 13-17yrs old young students who wish to take part in the Theatre Summer Camp "Pilion 2018" organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network at Agios Ioannis Beach, Pelion Greece

The workshop is offered within the Camp premises and with the same timetable as all the other "Main Workshops" of the Camp.


FOR DETAILS see "WORKSHOPS (main)" page

Related Tab 1 Link
Related Tab 2 Link
Action Category
  • Camps
  • 2018
  • Gakis Kostas
  • Kakoudaki Georgina
  • Κουμπαρούλη Ειρήνη
  • Λάρδη Βέρα
  • Mologousi Sonia
  • Μόσχος Γιώργος
  • Potamousi Iro
  • Ραχιώτης Χρήστος
  • Τρίκκα Μαργαρίτα

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