Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

16th Theatre Summer Camp - Seminar "Pelion 2017"

16th Theatre Summer Camp - Seminar "Pelion 2017"

Pelion, 25-30/8/2017

Event date: 8/25/2017 12:00 AM - 8/30/2017 12:00 AM Export event

First Tab NamePelio 2017 - main
First Tab Content

From 25 to 30 of August 2017, the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network holds its 16th annual Theatre Summer Camp- Seminar at Agios Ioannis Beach, Mt Pelion, Greece.
We stay and work in the friendly and relaxing environment of a well organized campsite, by the sea.
Artists, teachers, educators, actors, musicians, visual artists, theatre practitioners and scholars share their stories and communicate using as a medium/tool several theatrical techniques whilst investigating their application in education.

This year the Camp also hosts the 8th "Young Theatre Voices 2017" camp for young people (13-18 years old) and a Children's Workshop (6-12yrs)

The Camp-Seminar includes practical theatre & drama workshops, story-telling night by the camp fire, project presentations, performances, activities in the area (hiking, tours etc.) physical exercise, swimming, free time and a farewell party.

Pelion Camp 2017 also hosts the Project:
"It could be me - It could be you"

The refugee issues and their impact on education of young children in particular will be approach though discussions, workshops and a Forum Theatre performance by members of the “it could be me-it could be you” project run by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) and UNHCR Greece (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)


The location:

Agios Ioannis is a seaside village 55 km from Volos Town, on Eastern Mt. Pelio, Central Greece, located in an idyllic place. Its unique, blue flagged beach, with pearl like pebbles, is the main attraction of the village, which offers many choices of accommodation and catering. Agios Ioannis has turned into a well-organized tourist resort because of the infrastructure developed in the village and the wider area during the last 20 years. Additionally, one of the advantages of the village is the fact that it is located close to the most famous mountain villages of Eastern Pelion and between the famous beaches of Plaka and Papa Nero.


Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network
(non profit association)
++302106541600 / info@theatroedu.gr / www.theatroedu.gr

Second Tab NameAccommodation - Food
Second Tab Content


Location: This year’s summer camp is hosted in the camp premises of YMCA at Agios Ioannis Beach, Mt Pelion, Greece. It is is a well-organized camp (hosts children and young people all summer long) next to the sea surrounded by trees. There will be staff (cooks, cleaners, janitor and guard) ready to meet our needs but we are all expected to take care of the premises and ..ourselves.

Accommodation: participants sleep in “camp houses” i.e. big tents of 6 beds, with shared showers and toilets.
Must-bring items: 2 bed sheets, sleeping bag and a small pillow.
There are no electric sockets available in the “camp houses-tents”, so bring a flashlight/torch.
There is ellectric power sockets in the bathrooms area (bring a short power extension)

"Rent rooms" available just outside the camp in the nearby village (but we strongly suggest the "camp tents" )

Food: Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) will be served at the camp’s open air restaurant by volunteers. There will be provision for vegetarians.

What to bring:
Bed sheets, sleeping bag and a small pillow
Towels & personal hygiene products,
personal medicine (if needed),
a small hiking backpack,
water bottle,
beach/swimming gear,
a hat,
a light raincoat (just in case…)
a jumber
walking shoes
overnight under the stars geer (optinal!)
musical instruments (most welcomed!)
an electric extension cable for charging mobiles

Workshops space
All workshops will take place outdoors, under the trees
An exercise mattress and comfortable clothes for lying on the ground are necessary.

Third Tab NameTimetable
Third Tab Content


Friday 25/8/2017
16:30-18:00 Arrival-registration
18:00 – 21:00 Welcome
21:00 ……..Free evening

Saturday 26/8/2017
07:00-08:00 Yoga/swimming ...
08:00-08:45 Breakfast
09:00-12:00 Main Workshops
12:0013:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30 Main Workshops (cont.)
14:30-17:00 Free time
17:00-17:30 Light snack-Coffee
17:30-20:30 Main Workshops (cont.)
20:30-21:30 Dinner
21:30……..presentation activities

Sunday 27/8/2017
07:00-08:00 Yoga/swimming..
08:00-08:45 Breakfast
09:00-12:00 Main Workshops
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30 Main Workshops (cont.)
14:30-17:00 Free time
17:00-17:30 Light snack-Coffee
17:30-20:30 Short Workshops
20:30-21:30 Dinner
21:30……..Forum Theatre performance "the multicolor immigration of the butterfly" (part of the "it could be me - it could be you" project on raising awarness on refugee issues and racist speech"

Monday 28/8/2017
07:00-08:00 Yoga/swimming, etc
08:00-08:45 Breakfast
09:00-12:00 Main Workshops
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30 Main Workshops (cont.)
14:30-17:00 Free time
17:00-17:30 Light snack-Coffee
17:30-20:30 Short Workshops
20:30-21:30 Dinner
21:30……..Storry telling night by camp fire

Tuesday 29/8/2017
07:00-08:00 Yoga/swimming, etc
08:00-08:40 Breakfast
09:00-12:00 Main Workshops
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30 Main Workshops (cont.)
14:30-17:00 Free time
17:00-17:30 Light snack-Coffee
17:30-20:30 Workshops' presentations
20:30-21:30 Dinner
21:30……..farewell party

Wednesday 30/8/2017
09:00-10:00 Breakfast
10:00-12:00 Evaluation sessions
12:00-12:30 Camp site cleaning - packing
12:30-13:00 Closing meeting and photographs
13:00-14:00 Lunch
15:00 Departure


Fourth Tab NameMain Workshops
Fourth Tab Content


Each participant may enroll and attend one "Main Workshop" for the whole week
(see time table for working hours)
There are also other "short workshops" for participants to attend in the afternoons
Children 6-12 may enroll for the "Children's Workshop" or be accompanied by adult all times.
Youngs 13-18 may enroll for the "Young Theatre Voices Workshop"

Developing argument through drama
Brendon Burns
Language: english

This workshop will explore ways theatre processes can be used to develop and refine agonistic responses to current social and political contexts. Sessions will cover devising and performance techniques drawn from both contemporary Theatre for Democracy practice and ancient rhetoric.
The workshop will also include a focus on facilitation techniques that can be used in situations where discourse may become polemical; on those occasion where participants adopt extreme positions, often regurgitated from the media, but that in fact often mask real fears and insecurity.

Brendon Burns is an experienced director and facilitator. He has led major participatory and educational theatre projects in the UK, Europe and in West Africa. He trained as an actor at the Arts Educational School, London and later undertook postgraduate study in Theatre in Education at the University of Middlesex and Rhetoric at Royal Holloway University of London. Brendon was previously artistic director of Solent Peoples Theatre, Indefinite Article and First Draft Theatre and also held associate director posts at Proteus Theatre and The Haymarket, Basingstoke. As a playwright, he has written numerous original plays and adaptions, including the first conventional theatre adaptations of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Brendon is currently director of the department of Applied Theatre and Community Drama at the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts.


From individual to collective:

Building social theatre performances based on the Theater of the Oppressed

Christina Zoniou

At the Theatrical Camp 2017, at this transcendental gathering of educators and artists in Agios Ioannis, Pelion, under the sounds of the river and the plane trees, the workshop will deal with a theme that often comes back to the demands of the campers: the Theatre of the Oppressed (TO).

The aim of the workshop is to introduce the participants in TO, a theatrical method established by the Brazilian director Augusto Boal, which is widely applied in various social, educational and therapeutic environments. The TO method, which includes techniques such as Forum Theatre, Image Theater, Invisible Theatre, Rainbow of Desire, aspires to transform the stage monologue into dialogue and interaction between the stage and the audience, in order to explore collectively and individually the possibilities of overcoming Oppression and the achievement of social change.

This workshop aims to develop a knowledge of the ways in which theatre is used in social, non-theatrical environments and marginal spaces to benefit, empower and inspire a wide range of groups, communities and individuals. Special attention will be paid to the understanding of principles, peculiarities and techniques, and to the identification of the "traps" in the choice of TO as a method of intervention by artists - facilitators in their field of activity.

The workshop will end with an interactive TO event at the camp site.

“Making That Journey From Paper to Stage”
Barbara Douka, director, actress, trainer
Language: Greek

The texts ‘’lie’’ until we 'live' them ...
In this workshop participants will be invited to give life to different texts:
1. A choral and a scene from Ancient Greek Drama
2. Literary texts and poems
3. A story that will emerge from improvisation, with or without text

Interact through ideas, within a framework, and find ways to present them on different stages, in open space.

Approaching different theatre genres, we will learn some principles of directing, starting from a basic motive: the need to communicate ideas and meanings.
Our inspiration comes from the lively material we have next to us: landscapes, people, gatherings, dialogues, questions…
but also from what we have inside us: imagination, experience, personal glance, wants….

Barbara Douka, is director, actress and trainer. She has directed in Greece and abroad, theatre, opera, dance , music theatre and ancient drama. Among others: ‘For a piece of paper (Strinberg’s One act pieces ),‘Une fois mon amour,un jour..’ (Dancetheatre - Paris 1989 ),‘Amarga’ (a trilogy by Μ.Lymberaki ),‘The General in his Labyrinth’, by G.G. Marguez, ‘Women and War’, (European Programme, Kaleidoscope) , ‘They kill horses, don’t they?’ ( by O.McKoy) ‘Penelope’ (the last chapter of James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’),‘The night of Inguana’ ( by Τ.Williams,‘The Wall’ (by A. Sevastakis), ‘The moment we knew nothing about each other’ by Peter Handke, ‘Vacchae’ by Euripides in the E.C. Culture Programme ‘Trans-, ‘Handbag’ by Marc Ravenhill, ‘4- EVER’ by G.Iliopoulos , ‘Moskow-Selim’ by G.Viziinos, ,‘ Thesmoforiazoussai’ by Aristophanis, ‘ Feed me, Emma’ by Zaharias Roxas, under the E.U. Cultural Programme “Feed the Artists that they feed the audience”, ‘The star-spangled gir’l by Neil Simon, ‘5women.com’ by Hosé Contreras and Anna Rivas, ‘Persians’ by Aeschylus. Since 1986, she teaches constantly in drama schools and workshops in Greece and abroad: Improvisation and Acting, as well as Ancient Tragedy and Theatre Anthropology principles, based on her method Performance Personal Development Training [P. P.D.T. System ] as well as ‘ Βasic Principles for the Stage Direction’ for directors and performance studies students. She has delivered workshops and seminars in educational centers and festivals such as: Berlin (Schwelle 7), London (Central School of Speech and Drama), Venice (Methodika Festival), Iran (Tehran's International University Festival) Cyprus ( International Symposium of Ancient Drama), New York ( N.Y.University- Steindhardt) , DEREE the American College in Greece, National Theater Drama School, Drama school ‘First Act’, Veaki Drama School. e.t.c. For her work under the main title ‘Tragedy as a Living Theatre’ and her approach in ‘Ritual Lament’ a combination of Theatre Anthropology training and Ancient Chorus, she was awarded three times : (‘Multi – theatre’ Symposium (Beaubourg –Centre Pompidou , June 1991), Latin- American Theatre conference (Chile, July 1992), ‘Body Diversity’ conference, Paris, 2007, by the Unesco Prix d’ Excellence of Alain Dizon – Theatre Anthropology Foundation). Since 2009, she is conductor of ‘Drama Mini Talent Lab’ of the International Short Film Festival of the City of Drama (Northern Greece).

"Personal dance"
Artemis Lampiri, choreographer, performer, dance teacher.


Language: Greek, English, body, any...

Personal dance is a workshop about finding one’s special qualities;
it is about discovering what makes one unique.
In this workshop we will try to investigate our own physicality and personality in the way that we move. Through choreographic and movement scores we will focus on our personal rhythm, perception and way of thinking.
Usually one’s body function is connected to the one of one’s brain.
This gives an excellent insight to the way of learning.
The class will be divided in warming up the joints and brain, making the body stronger, learning dance material and improvising our own way through movement.

Bring sneakers, comfortable clothes, notebooks and your favorite song at that period!

Artemis Lampiri was born in Athens in 1984 where she now works as a choreographer, performer and dance teacher. She studied at the Professional School of Dance "Rallou Manou”, later choreography at ArtEZ in Holland and Theatre Studies at the University of Utrecht with a full scholarship by the State Foundation (IKY). As a choreographer she has participated in festivals and made her own productions in theaters in Greece, Germany, Croatia, the Netherlands and Spain. Some of the productions are: “On hope” (2016), “Me On Top” with the support of Onassis Cultural Centre and NEON foundation (2015), “FREMD” (2014), “META” (2013-2014), "Anamesa-In Between" (2012-2013) etc. In 2013 she founded “MAN” dance company with which she participated in Kalamata International dance Festival (2016), New Choreographers’ Festival in SGT (2015), Arc dance festival (2014), MIR Festival (2012-2016), Dimitria Festival (2013) etc. She is also working as a choreographer at theatre productions and currently creating her new piece, entitled: “ANY ONE”

Link to video compilation of some of her works:
Other links:
https://vimeo.com/artemislampiri https://www.facebook.com/MANdancecompanyArtemisLampiri

"Young Theatre Voices 2017" Workshop
25-30 August 2017.

This is a workshop for 13-18yrs old young people who wish to take part in the Theatre Summer Camp "Pelion 2017" organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network at Agios Ioannis Beach, Pelion Greece

The workshop is offered within the Camp premises and with the same timetable as all the other "Main Workshops" of the Camp.

Giouli Douvou, drama teacher

Language: greek, english

A theatrical workshop for young people, aiming at personal development, exploration of "my-self" and "my other- self", through group work. We will seek new paths for collective creativity through improvisation and Devised theater.

This workshop will try to explore the image of the young people through their own eyes and the eyes of others and will focus on why there is a need to project another image, a "different" one, on social media networks.

Using theatrical games and DIE (Drama in education) techniques, we will discover communication codes, both verbal and non-verbal. We will express, entertain, interact and dare to dive into our needs, in our being and in our appearance, in our ‘’musts’’ and in our true ... wants!
We are waiting for you!

Giouli Douvou was born and lives in Patras Greece. She studied Theater Studies at the University of Patras . Masters Degree from the University of Peloponnese, School of Fine Arts, Department of Theater Studies, titled "Dramatic Art and Performing Arts in Education and Lifelong Learning" (MA in Drama and Performing Arts in Education and Lifelong Learning). She faciliates the Theatrical Workshop for Children and Adolescents and the Intercultural Workshop of the Municipal and Regional Theater of Patras. Teaching theatre studies at Arsakeio Schools of Patras. In 2006 she co-created the theatrical laboratory “Epi drasei” (In action) for children and adults. She works in primary, secondary and post-secondary education for 12 years. Animates teacher training workshops. She has participated and organized seminars in acting, directing, team building, drama teaching, drama therapy and master- classes. She has worked in many theatrical plays and TIE programs.

for children 6-12 years old
language: greek, english, ...children's

I play - You play - Does the Other Play? - What about us? What are We going to do?
Angeliki Tsakona, drama teacher

We are going to spell out and interpret the forms of the mind and the shape of our body – and the creations of our mind and those of our body. We are going to achieve this within dual realities, the one that belongs to us (I) and the one we share (I and the Other).

Experiential play and imagination along with drama techniques will motivate children physically, verbally and emotionally, bringing them closer to their own selves. At the same time, cultivating the children’s empathy and strengthening their communication skills will promote team spirit - thus drawing them nearer to the Other and helping them realize who ‘We’ are.

Angeliki Tsakona has been oscillating between Philology and Theater Studies for quite some time. Since 2002, she has been teaching Theatre/Drama Education in Primary Education. She is currently following a postgraduate course entitled “Drama and Performing Arts in Education and Lifelong Learning” offered by the Department of Theatre Studies in Nafplio Greece. Her postgraduate dissertation, “Cultivating Historical Empathy in Primary School Sixth-graders through their Contact with the Local History of Nafplio during the Venetian Occupation” is underway. She has carried out educational and theatrical education programs, training sessions, drama events, workshops and performances in collaboration with institutions such as The Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece, the Department of Theatrical Studies in Nafplio, the Argolis Club for UNESCO (for which she received an honorary distinction), the Cultural Department of the Municipality of Nafplio, the Peloponnesian Folklore Institute, the Ephorate of Antiquities in Argolis, "IoannisCapodistrias” Centre of European Studies and Humanities, The Proscenium Society for Culture and Social Entertainment, the Authors’ Association of Argolis, the New Library at Fougaro multi-purpose venue, the Representation of the European Union in Greece through their Teachers4Europe project, the Directorate of Primary Education of Argolis, the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (Network of Ecological Schools award winner) and the Children’s Theatre of Argos, among others. In the summer of 2016, she was coordinator and animator for the Creative Employment Pilot Programme run by the Festival of Athens and Epidaurus. This year, she is coordinating and animating the Audience Education Program for Students and Adults of Argolis run by the Epidaurus Lyceum, also in the framework of the Festival of Athens and Epidaurus.


Fifth Tab NameShort Workshops
Fifth Tab Content

at "Pelion Camp 2017"

On Sunday 27 and Monday 28 August 2017 afternoons, 17:30-20:30
registration upon arrival

"Can a plant change the history of the world?",
Sonia Mologousi - theatrologist, drama practitioner
Iro Potamousi - sociologist, drama practitioner
A 3 hours workshop. Sunday 27/8/2017, 17:30-20:30
Language: greek

How is Abraham Lincoln, capoeira and a sugar cane related? Can a plant change the history of the world? The aim of the workshop is the empirical contact and the introduction to ways and methods of processing the concepts of human rights through theatrical and other techniques. A parallel aim is the effort to explore fundamental principles of human rights such as participation, equality, respect, democracy, freedom and the connection to historical events that occurred at national or global level and are related to major violations of Human Rights - as well as the individuals or social groups that contributed to their preservation and defense. The methodology and the content of the workshop can be used as teaching material for the course "Social and Political Education" in the 6th Grade of Primary and 3rd Grade of High School.
The workshop is aimed at teachers, activists, theatrologists, students, facilitators, NGO executives.
The workshop is participatory and includes exercises, games, improvisations, role play and other activities and is built step by step. That's why participants need to wear comfortable clothes and shoes for activities and bring with them ... their passion and urge for experimentation!
This workshop is offered as part of the "It could be you- it could be me" project, organized by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network in collaboration with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Greece.
(CV note: Sonia Mologousi)  (CV note: Iro Potamousi)

“Why bats hang upside down?”
Eirini Marna, drama teacher
A 3 hours workshop. Sunday 27/8/2017, 17:30-20:30
Language: Greek

Using the Sudanese folktale “Why bats hang upside down” participants will explore the issue of diversity. Within the protective framework of Drama in Education they will recognize how they perceive the role of the weak and isolated, due to some external characteristics and how their perception could be reconstructed. Through their participation, they will also be given the opportunity to change preconceived roles and empower the hero who is in this unfavorable position.
This workshop is offered as part of the "It could be you- it could be me" project, organized by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama and Education Network in collaboration with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Greece.
(CV note: Eirini Marna)

"Bringing a text to life through video"
Mary Kaldi
A 3 hours workshop. Sunday 27/8/2017, 17:30-20:30
Language: greek, english

In this workshop we will learn how to make a video with the aim of animating a certain text. Initially, theatrical exercises will take place, in order to get the participants acquainted, but also to help them feel released in front of the camera. Then, we will study the phases of creating a video, with emphasis on how to use different angles to record properly a narrator reading a text. At the same time, we will investigate which other elements can complement the framing of the narrative, so that it is not monotonous. Elements, such as images or videos that visualize the text and the appropriate music. Finally, basic editing techniques will be explained using a specific video editor (Powerdirector).
Our starting point will be “Monologues from the Aegean”. Participants may come having already chosen a text from the testimonies, so that we can use it as the basis for our video. They can also bring with them music they see suitable as the accompaniment of the video.
Camcorders, cameras and mobile phones would be very useful. If any of the participants could bring a laptop with them, the editing work can be speeded up.
(CV note: Mary Kaldi)

Revolution Slogans: civil rights, human rights and… ways to acquire them.
Georgina Kakoudaki, director /theatre pedagogue
A 6hour workshop
Sunday 27 & Monday 28/8/2017, 17:30-20:30
Language: greek

A theatre workshop inspired by the way with which civil and human rights have been declared and promoted by the people over the centuries. In this workshop we will seek new ways to make a statement, to say our opinion privately or publicly, through theatre and theatre pedagogic methods, the use of biography and the ‘’staged’’ recollection of "heroic times". From the famous words of Enlightment to the graffiti messages on city walls, whether provocative, encoded, public or private, these messages can remind us the victories or the defeats of peoples' struggle throughout the history of humanity.
In this workshop we will also try another way to approach Public celebrations and memorial dates in school class, and through school theatre, to talk about heroism in non heroic times.
(CV note Georgina Kakoudaki)

"Story telling"


Jenny Karaviti, Eirini Marna
 Monday 28/8/2017, 17:30-20:30
Language: greek


"Following the boy with the suitcase"
Giouli Douvou, drama teacher
A 3 hours workshop. Monday 28/8/2017, 17:30-20:30
Language: greek

Using Mike Kennye's excellent play, "Boy with a Suitcase", we create a drama workshop, which aims to make participants express own thoughts and to explore the views of others, through interaction, without emphasizing on acting skills. We wish to strengthen the initiative, to develop imagination and to be able to process the social issue of refugees in such a way so that it will concern us. We hope for emotional engagement and empathy. We will use theatrical games, exercises of activation, coaching, rhythm, fantasy, dynamic images, body expression, pantomime, role playing, status exercises, improvisations, dramatization and forum theater techniques.
This workshop is offered as part of the"It could be you- it could be me" project, organized by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network in collaboration with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Greece.
(CV note: Giouli Douvou)

“Sklyro Karydi”,
Iro Potamousi - sociologist, drama practitioner
Sonia Mologousi - theatrologist, drama practitioner
A 3 hours workshop. Monday 28/8/2017, 17:30-20:30
Language: greek

The aim of this drama workshop is to come closer and raise awareness in relation to the refugee issue on the occasion of the book "Sklyro Karydi". A parallel goal is the introduction and training of participants in elementary drama/theatre & education techniques as well as principles of teamwork, creative writing, empathy and ability to be in the shoes of ‘the other’, thecultivation of solidarity and co-operation in the classroom.Also, the cultivation of an active citizen's attitude, the ability to think critically, and the integration of problems such as refugee into their global and systemic dimension are
The workshop is aimed at teachers, activists, theatrologists, students, facilitators, NGO executives.
The workshop is participatory and includes exercises, games, improvisations, role play and other activities and is built step by step. That's why participants need to wear comfortable clothes and shoes for activities and bring with them ... their passion and urge for experimentation!
This workshop is offered as part of the "It could be you- it could be me" project, organized by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network in collaboration with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Greece.
(CV note: Sonia Mologousi)  (CV note: Iro Potamousi)

Vocal Shelf-awareness
Anastasia Koulaloglou
A 3 hours workshop. Monday 28/8/2017, 17:30-20:30
Language: greek, english

The purpose of “Phonitiki Psychognosia” (Vocal Shelf-awareness) is the discovery of the personal, authentic voice which we have had since childhood so that sound, speech and song will form again a source of joy and creativity. The method is inspired mainly by Roy Hart’s principles and is enriched from basic elements of theatrical anthropology that was founded by Jerzy Grotowski. The workshop introduces ways and methods of the Chinese and Hindu traditions in sound and energy centers, whose task is a more spiritual approach to song, speech and communication. In practice it has been shown that the use of calm breathing exercises for the liberation of the respiratory system leads to a calmer nervous system. Further, the use of specific sounds or mantras leads to a feeling of safety and it might be a way for the student to get in contact with his/her inner feelings. All this leads to the enfolding of the individuals’ creative capabilities, while courage and self confidence are empowered at the same time. Discover the creative power of your hidden voice through sound, speech and singing exercises!
Bring a song or small text of your choice.
(CV note: Anastasia Koulaloglou)

"How did I end up here"
Sharon Nash
3 hour workshop on Monday Δευτέρα 28/8/2017, 17:30-20:30

A workshop about how young people end up in prison


Sixth Tab NameYoung Theatre Voices 2017
Sixth Tab Content

"Young Theatre Voices 2017" Workshop
25-30 August 2017.

This is a workshop for 13-18yrs old young people who wish to take part in the Theatre Summer Camp "Pelion 2017" organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network at Agios Ioannis Beach, Pelion Greece

The workshop is offered within the Camp premises and with the same timetable as all the other "Main Workshops" of the Camp.


Giouli Douvou, drama teacher

Language: greek, english

A theatrical workshop for young people, aiming at personal development, exploration of "my-self" and "my other- self", through group work. We will seek new paths for collective creativity through improvisation and Devised theater.

This workshop will try to explore the image of the young people through their own eyes and the eyes of others and will focus on why there is a need to project another image, a "different" one, on social media networks.

Using theatrical games and DIE (Drama in education) techniques, we will discover communication codes, both verbal and non-verbal. We will express, entertain, interact and dare to dive into our needs, in our being and in our appearance, in our ‘’musts’’ and in our true ... wants!
We are waiting for you!

Giouli Douvou was born and lives in Patras Greece. She studied Theater Studies at the University of Patras . Masters Degree from the University of Peloponnese, School of Fine Arts, Department of Theater Studies, titled "Dramatic Art and Performing Arts in Education and Lifelong Learning" (MA in Drama and Performing Arts in Education and Lifelong Learning). She faciliates the Theatrical Workshop for Children and Adolescents and the Intercultural Workshop of the Municipal and Regional Theater of Patras. Teaching theatre studies at Arsakeio Schools of Patras. In 2006 she co-created the theatrical laboratory “Epi drasei” (In action) for children and adults. She works in primary, secondary and post-secondary education for 12 years. Animates teacher training workshops. She has participated and organized seminars in acting, directing, team building, drama teaching, drama therapy and master- classes. She has worked in many theatrical plays and TIE programs.


Seventh Tab NameChildren's Workshop
Seventh Tab Content

for children 6-12 years old
language: greek, english, ...children's

I play - You play - Does the Other Play? - What about us? What are We going to do?
Angeliki Tsakona, drama teacher

We are going to spell out and interpret the forms of the mind and the shape of our body – and the creations of our mind and those of our body. We are going to achieve this within dual realities, the one that belongs to us (I) and the one we share (I and the Other).

Experiential play and imagination along with drama techniques will motivate children physically, verbally and emotionally, bringing them closer to their own selves. At the same time, cultivating the children’s empathy and strengthening their communication skills will promote team spirit - thus drawing them nearer to the Other and helping them realize who ‘We’ are.

Angeliki Tsakona has been oscillating between Philology and Theater Studies for quite some time. Since 2002, she has been teaching Theatre/Drama Education in Primary Education. She is currently following a postgraduate course entitled “Drama and Performing Arts in Education and Lifelong Learning” offered by the Department of Theatre Studies in Nafplio Greece. Her postgraduate dissertation, “Cultivating Historical Empathy in Primary School Sixth-graders through their Contact with the Local History of Nafplio during the Venetian Occupation” is underway. She has carried out educational and theatrical education programs, training sessions, drama events, workshops and performances in collaboration with institutions such as The Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece, the Department of Theatrical Studies in Nafplio, the Argolis Club for UNESCO (for which she received an honorary distinction), the Cultural Department of the Municipality of Nafplio, the Peloponnesian Folklore Institute, the Ephorate of Antiquities in Argolis, "IoannisCapodistrias” Centre of European Studies and Humanities, The Proscenium Society for Culture and Social Entertainment, the Authors’ Association of Argolis, the New Library at Fougaro multi-purpose venue, the Representation of the European Union in Greece through their Teachers4Europe project, the Directorate of Primary Education of Argolis, the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (Network of Ecological Schools award winner) and the Children’s Theatre of Argos, among others. In the summer of 2016, she was coordinator and animator for the Creative Employment Pilot Programme run by the Festival of Athens and Epidaurus. This year, she is coordinating and animating the Audience Education Program for Students and Adults of Argolis run by the Epidaurus Lyceum, also in the framework of the Festival of Athens and Epidaurus.


Eighth Tab NameActivities & Open Events
Eighth Tab Content

Activities & Open Events

Chi Kong for the early birds!
with Anastasia Koulaloglou

Every morning, at 7AM, before breakfast

"Acrobatic yoga"
Lefteris Konstantinou, Foivos Geralis

Every morning, at 7AM, before breakfast

"Story telling"

Jenny Karaviti, Eirini Marna
 Monday 28/8/2017, 17:30-20:30
Language: greek


Ninth Tab NameApplications - Costs
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The Camp- Seminar is carried out with the voluntary participation/support of the facilitators and organizers. No οne is paid.

The following costs cover the accommodation, food and management expenses.

Cost: 205 Ε

Price includes:
Α) Participation in one "Main Workshop" as well as the rest of the “camp activities”, (short workshops, performances,etc.).
Β) 5 overnights in “camp houses” (big tents with 6-7 beds) with common bathrooms, toilets (see here)
C) 3 meals per day (breakfast, light lunch, dinner), evening coffee, farewell party.

No meals are served on the arrival day 25th August. On departure day, 30 August, only breakfast and lunch will be served.

Travelling costs are not included.

There is a BUS TRANSFER from Athens to Camp site (write to info@theatroedu.gr for details)

Applications process for international non-Greek participants:

Anyone interested should:

Step 1) make a named deposit of the corresponding amount to the bank account:

IBAN GR73 0140 2020 2020 02002 000277, SORT CODE: CRBAGRAAXXX

Step 2) send an e-mail to info@theatroedu.gr stating
mobile phone,
personal e-mail address
country of origin (as in passport)
Departure and arrival town (we might assist in transportation)
and the Main Workshop of your choice (please see first the "Main Workshop" page for details and working language of the Workshops)

Secretary/Info: ++302106541600 / info@theatroedu.gr / www.TheatroEdu.gr


Ten Tab NameGetting there...
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Agios Ioannis is a seaside village 55 km from Volos Town, on Eastern Mt. Pelio, Central Greece.

Camp organisers have arranged a bus from Athens to Camp site at Agios Ioannis Village
Departure from Athens: 25/8/2017, 09:00 from Stanley Hotel, Plateia Metaxourgeiou, METRO "Metaxourgeio"
Departure from Agios Ioannis: 30/8/2017, 15:00, arriving Athens at midnight

Bus costs 60E return

Another bus is also organised to leave VOLOS TOWN on 25/8/2017, at 14:00, in front of the KTEL Main Bus Station

To book a seat please write to info@theatroedu.gr

Eleven Tab NameSecretary - Info
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Camp coordinator: Hara Tsoukala

Organisation Committee - Secretary:
Nikos Govas, Jenny Karaviti, Mary Kaldi, Jolika Poulopoulou, Yanna Papadopoulou, Martina Gomez, Peny Sittou

Contact: info@theatroedu.gr / ++302106541600

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