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(ALL SEATS ARE FILLED) Depersonalization: a workshop on the technique of devising in physical theatre on the theme of bullying

(ALL SEATS ARE FILLED) Depersonalization: a workshop on the technique of devising in physical theatre on the theme of bullying

Athens, 24/11/2018, Workshop, Sanja Krsmanović-Tasić

Event date: 11/24/2018 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM Export event

  • Attending: 15
  • Seats: 15
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Depersonalization: devising physical  theatre on the theme if bullying

Athens, 24/11/2018

Sanja Krsmanović-Tasić, theatre director, choreographer, actress, dancer, drama teacher, Serbia

Workshop 2,5 hours
organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

Language: English

The workshop will present the methodology of work of devising short scenes of physical and dance theatre based on the theme of bullying. We will explore the possibilities of the body, that does not have to be trained in order to be able to express itself through movement and dance. Any movement can become an action used in theatre, any action can become dance. The workshop will dedicate itself to the search of the devised theatre material-scenes, based on the personal work with objects-props. This material can be transformed into educational-artistic work with children and young people connected to the deconstruction of the phenomenon of bullying . A workshop for teachers and creative drama pedagogues to learn techniques of dance, movement, physical theatre  and choreography, applicable for all ages, for actors and directors interested in principles of dance and non verbal theatre, for dancers and choreographers interested in contemporary theatre techniques. Workshop requirements: training clothes applicable for physical movement-dance, clean sneakers or non slip socks and a big shawl or towel for lying on the floor.


Sanja Krsmanović-Tasić is a theatre director, choreographer, actress, dance and drama teacher. She is the president of Centre for Drama in Education and Art-CEDEUM in Serbia, and director of Hleb Teatar, a theatre group based on ensemble work fusing theatre, dance and live music, also working with TiE and DiE. She is also one of the founders of Association Artistic Utopia and director of the Mater Terra Festival. As Elected Officer of IDEA (International Drama/Theatre and Education Association) she is currently the President of AC of the organization. She is the author and producer of numerous programs and projects both educational and artistic, many in the realm of Art for Social Change, including work with disabled dancers and actors. She has been developing, in her teaching, the concept of “ecology of the soul” since 2014. She tours her performances and conducts workshops internationally.

Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2018
  • Athens
  • Krsmanović-Tasić Sanja

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