Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

A Thousand Languages of Dance: Dance as a Tool for Inclusion

A Thousand Languages of Dance: Dance as a Tool for Inclusion

Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Maria Papadopoulou

Event date: 3/21/2025 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM Export event

A Thousand Languages of Dance: Dance as a Tool for Inclusion


Maria Papadopoulou, Movement Teacher / Trainer, InDancEdu, Greece




International Conference "Theatre/Drama & Inclusive Education”

Athens, March 21,  2025

Hellenic Theatre/ Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)


Language: Greek

Limited number of participants


Workshop Description


The workshop, "A Thousand Languages of Dance: Dance as a Tool for Inclusion" is an experiential educational program aimed at both formal and non-formal teachers, with a focus on the diversity of student populations. This workshop draws on four years of experience implementing arts-based intervention programs by “NGO InDancEdu” at the 132nd Primary School of Athens. Programs include “A Thousand Languages of Dance,” “Dancing Diversity,” “zOOming out school / zOOming in diversity,” and “Play it Right: A Dance into Consent and Respect.”, which began in 2021 and continue with the same students from grade 3 through grade 6.


The workshop will feature hands-on activities and interactive exercises, equipping teachers with tools they can immediately use in their classrooms and adapt to meet their students’ unique needs. This approach integrates creative movement with teaching practices, promoting social cohesion through movement and dance.


Participants will receive a “guide” outlining key exercises, their objectives, tips, and adaptable variations for multicultural classrooms. This guide includes sections on introductory exercises, games, core movement activities, songs, object-based activities, contact exercises, multimodal activities, and reflection practices that foster creative expression and collaboration. The exercises emphasize embodied learning, combining dance, music, visual arts, and language to promote social inclusion. Dance is used as a tool for empowerment, skill development, and identity expression, helping students develop empathy and mutual understanding. All workshop materials are available in both print and digital formats to support teachers in bringing these activities into their classrooms.


Expected outcomes include an enhanced understanding of embodied learning for teachers, acquisition of practical tools for integrating dance into everyday teaching, and increased empathy through cross-cultural communication skills.


NOTE: The workshop will be conducted in Greek.

Participants should wear comfortable clothing that allows for unrestricted movement. Some exercises may involve physical contact.



Maria Papadopoulou works in movement, education, and therapeutic practices. She graduated from the Greek State School of Dance (2014), the Faculty of Early Childhood Education at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2016), and completed her Master’s in “Education and Human Rights” (2023). As a dancer, she has collaborated with contemporary choreographers and participated in international programs (Onassis Foundation, Watermill Center). Since 2021, she has led “InDancEdu AMKE,” an organization dedicated to promoting inclusive education through dance. She has worked with organizations like Kokoika, Genderhood, and the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network, in roles that include facilitation and pedagogical supervision. Her research focuses on the analysis of educational practices, and she teaches pedagogy at the Professional Dance School of ‘Moragemou’. In addition, she provides holistic hands-on therapies and is currently training in the SME program of Body-Mind Centering.


Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • Conferences
  • 2025 α' τρίμηνο
  • Athens
  • Παπαδοπούλου Μαρία

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