"It Could Be Me – It Could Be You" - Drama/Τheatre in Εducation methodologies and activities for raising awareness on human rights and refugees Athens 2021 Edited by Nassia Choleva
ISBN: 978-960-9529-08-2
© Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) Published in partnership with UNHCR Representation in Greece
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Chapter 1: The It Could Be Me – It Could Be You Project
Nikos Govas, Eva Savvopoulou, Popi Dionysopoulou: The It Could Be Me – It Could Be You Project
Hara Tsoukala: Monologues across the Aegean Sea Action
Christina Krithari: The Multicolour Migration of the Butterfly – A Forum Theatre Performance
Nikoletta Dimopoulou, Sonia Mologousi: Organising a TOGETHER action
Nassia Choleva, Antonis Lenakakis: The contribution of basic theatre/drama-in-education training offered through the It Could Be Me – It Could Be You project in teachers’ daily practice for Human Rights Education
Chapter 2: Theoretical background of the training seminar
Betty Giannouli: Drama in Education and the principles of experiential learning and critical pedagogy – The context of the training course of approaching ‘otherness’ issues
Christina Zoniou: Principles of Intercultural Education when Facilitating Theatre/Drama in Education Workshops
Brendon Burns: Dialogue is fundamental: The techne of drama facilitation
Kostas Magos: What do things say when they talk? Personal and family artefacts as intercultural educational materials
Marios Koukounaras-Liagkis, Aggelos Vallianatos: Religious Literacy in Education and Social Intervention
Chapter 3: Description of Workshops
3a: Teachers’ Training Seminars on Theatre/Drama-in-Education
Nassia Choleva, Jenny Karaviti, Nikos Govas: Teachers’ Training using Theatre, Drama-in-Education and experiential learning techniques on human rights and refugees
Nikoletta Dimopoulou, Nassia Choleva, Sonia Mologousi, Iro Potamousi: Embracing refugee children in the classroom and at school
Georgina Kakoudaki: Myself as a Document – An artistic workshop for teachers
3b: Thematic workshops
Manto Kouretzi, Stelios Vgages: Me – you – we... together: Attempting to approach the ‘other ’: Theatre/Drama Educational Workshop For kindergarten and primary school children
Katerina Poutachidou, Rita Poutachidou, Christina Zouridou: The Elephant, the Ant, and the She-Squirrel – A Theatre/Drama Workshop for pre-school and primary school children
Eirini Marna: Why do bats hang upside down? – An Educational Drama Workshop on accepting diversity
Eirini Marna: Eirene - The story of a refugee child – An Educational Drama workshop to raise awareness about children's rights and refugees
Antigone Tsarbopoulou: Tough Nut – A Theatre/Drama educational workshop to enhance empathy and solidarity among students of upper primary school and secondary school grades
Giouli Douvou: Following the Boy with a Suitcase – Theatre/Drama Educational Workshop
Iro Potamousi, Sonia Mologousi, Giorgos Bekiaris: Encountering Monologues across the Aegean Sea – A Theatre/Drama Educational Workshop triggered by the narratives of unaccompanied refugee children about their journeys and dreams
Avra Avdi, Jenny Karaviti: Silence in life and on stage – Playwriting Workshop
ANNEX 1 Teachers’ Training using Theatre/Drama-in-Education experiential learning techniques concerning Human Rights and Refugees
ANNEX 2 Embracing refugee children in the classroom and school
ANNEX 3 The story of a refugee child
ANNEX 4 Following the Boy with a Suitcase – Extracts
ANNEX 5 Encountering Monologues across the Aegean Sea – Extracts
ANNEX 6 Additional Sources
ANNEX 7 Index of exercises, techniques and games
Project Overview
Authors’ CVs
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