Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

14th Theatre Summer Camp- Seminar "Pelion 2015"

14th Theatre Summer Camp- Seminar "Pelion 2015"

Pelion, 24-30/8/2015

Event date: 8/24/2015 1:30 AM - 8/30/2015 1:30 AM Export event

From 24 to 30 of August 2015, the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network holds its 14thannual Theatre Summer Camp- Seminar at Agios Ioannis Beach, Mt Pelion, Greece. We stay and work in the friendly and relaxing environment of a well organized campsite, by the sea. Artists, teachers, educators of all levels, actors, musicians, visual artists, theatre practitioners and scholars share their stories and communicate using as a medium/tool several theatrical techniques whilst investigating their application in education. 

The Camp-Seminar includes practical theatre & drama workshops, movie screenings, project presentations, performances, activities in the area of Mt.Pelion (hiking, tours etc.) physical exercise, swimming, free time  and a farewell party.

See “menu” on the left for Programme information, Accommodation, Cost, Traveling details and Application procedure.

The location:

Agios Ioannis is 55 km from Volos, on Eastern Pelio, located in an idyllic place. Its unique, blue flagged beach, with pearl like pebbles, is the main attraction of the village, which offers many choices of accommodation and catering. Agios Ioannis has turned into a well-organized tourist resort because of the infrastructure developed in the village and the wider area during the last 20 years. Additionally, one of the advantages of the village is the fact that it is located close to the most famous mountain villages of Eastern Pelion and between the famous beaches of Plaka and Papa Nero.

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network
(not profit association)
info@theatroedu.gr / www.theatroedu.gr


First Tab NameMain - Pelion 2015
First Tab Content

14th Theatre Summer Camp- Seminar "Pelion 2015",

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network
in beautiful Agios Ioannis Beach, Mt Pelion, Greece

Monday the 24th –Sunday the 30th of August 2015

"Devising theatrical promenades οn Pelion landscape"
for teachers, artists, facilitators


From 24 to 30 of August 2015, the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network holds its 14thannual Theatre Summer Camp- Seminar at Agios Ioannis Beach, Mt Pelion, Greece. We stay and work in the friendly and relaxing environment of a well organized campsite, by the sea. Artists, teachers, educators of all levels, actors, musicians, visual artists, theatre practitioners and scholars share their stories and communicate using as a medium/tool several theatrical techniques whilst investigating their application in education. 

The Camp-Seminar includes practical theatre & drama workshops, movie screenings, project presentations, performances, activities in the area of Mt.Pelion (hiking, tours etc.) physical exercise, swimming, free time  and a farewell party.

See “menu” on the left for Programme information, Accommodation, Cost, Traveling details and Application procedure.

The location:

Agios Ioannis is 55 km from Volos, on Eastern Pelio, located in an idyllic place. Its unique, blue flagged beach, with pearl like pebbles, is the main attraction of the village, which offers many choices of accommodation and catering. Agios Ioannis has turned into a well-organized tourist resort because of the infrastructure developed in the village and the wider area during the last 20 years. Additionally, one of the advantages of the village is the fact that it is located close to the most famous mountain villages of Eastern Pelion and between the famous beaches of Plaka and Papa Nero.

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network
(not profit association)
info@theatroedu.gr / www.theatroedu.gr

Second Tab NameAccommodation/Food - What to bring
Second Tab Content


Location: This year’s summer camp will be hosted on the camp premises of YMCA at Agios Ioannis Beach, Mt Pelion Greece. It is is a well-organized camp (hosts children and young people all summer long) next to the sea surrounded by trees. There will be staff (cooks, cleaners, janitor and guard) ready to meet our needs but we are all expected to take care of the premises and ..ourselves.


Accommodation: The participants will share “camp houses” i.e. big tents of 6 beds, bathrooms and toilets.
Must-bring items: 2 bed sheets, sleeping bag and a small pillow.

There are no electric sockets available in the “houses”.

A small number of bring-your-own-tents are also an option under conditions! (Contact the Camp secretary info@theatroedu.gr)


Food: Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) will be served at the camp’s open air restaurant by volunteers. There will be provision for vegetarians.


What to bring:

Towels & personal hygiene products,

personal medicine (if needed),

a small hiking backpack,


water bottle,

beach/swimming gear,

a hat,

a light raincoat (just in case…)

a jumber

walking shoes

overnight under the stars geer  (optinal!)


musical instruments (most welcomed!)

an electric extension cable for charging mobiles


Workshops space:

All workshops will take place outdoors, under the trees

An exercise mattress and comfortable clothes for lying on the ground are necessary.

Third Tab NameTimetable
Third Tab Content


Monday 24/8/2015

19:00-20:00 Arrival-registration

20:00 – 21:00 Welcome

21:00 ……..Free evening


Tuesday 25/8/2015

07:00-08:00 Yoga

08:00-08:40 Breakfast

09:00-12:00 Main Workshops

12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:30-14:30 (cont.) Main Workshops

14:30-17:00 Free time

17:00-17:30 Light snack-Coffee

17:30-20:30 Mini Workshops – Excursions

20:30-21:30 Dinner

21:30……..Evening activities


Wednesday 26/8/2015

07:00-08:00 Yoga

08:00-08:40 Breakfast

09:00-12:00 Main Workshops

12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:30-14:30 (cont.) Main Workshops

14:30-17:00 Free time

17:00-17:30 Light snack-Coffee

17:30-20:30 Mini Workshops – Excursions

20:30-21:30 Dinner

21:30-... Good Teaching Practices


Thursday 27/8/2015

07:00-08:00 Yoga

08:00-08:40 Breakfast

09:00-12:00 Main Workshops

12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:30-14:30 (cont.) Main Workshops

14:30-17:00 Free time

17:00-17:30 Light snack-Coffee

17:30 - … Excursion to nearby beach or village, overnight under the stars (optional!)


Friday 28/8/2015

07:00-08:00 Yoga

08:00-08:40 Breakfast

09:00-12:00 Main Workshops

12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:30-14:30 (cont.) Main Workshops

14:30-17:00 Free time

17:00-17:30 Light snack-Coffee

17:30-20:30 Networking-Group Work

20:30-21:30 Dinner

21:30 -… Storytelling night by the camp fire


Σάββατο 29/8/2015

07:00-08:00 Yoga

08:00-08:40 Breakfast

09:00-12:00 Main Workshops

12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:30-14:30 (cont.) Main Workshops

17:00-17:30 Light snack-Coffee

17:30-20:30 Workshops Open Presentations

20:30-21:30 Dinner

21:30 - … Goodbye Party!


Sunday 30/8/2015

09:00-10:00 Breakfast

10:00-13:00 Feedback plenary discussion

13:00-14.00 Lunch


Fourth Tab NameMain Workshops - Facilitators
Fourth Tab Content

Main Workshops

Each participant should enroll and attend one "main Workshop" for the whole week
There are also other "mini workshops" for participants to attend (see other pages)
Children 6-12 should enroll for the "Children's Workshop" or be accompanied by adult all times.

"Playing with Aristophanes: chorus-rythm-body-sound"
Giorgos Biniaris -actor, director, Nikos Govas -theatre pedagogue

main Workshop: 5 days
Language: Greek

"Exploring methods of devising theatre performances for, and inspired by, non-theatre spaces"
Peter Hussey

Artistic Director of Crooked House Theatre Company Ireland

Main Workshop: 5 days
Language: English

This workshop explores the methods used by Irish company, Crooked House, to develop narratives for site-specific pieces of theatre. Irish theatre is known for its focus on narrative and on the text, but in the past twenty years, European traditions of image-making and post-dramatic performance have influenced the creation of new theatre.
The first stage of the programme will look at how we can blend strong narrative elements with movement, space, object and image, to tell stories inspired by public spaces around us. During this stage, the work will involve playing with or learning a generic narrative structure or story arc; then locating a space (toilet, corridor, doorway, room, beach, etc) within the workshop environs and exploring how it can influence the performers in the creation of story moments.
For the second part of the workshop we will explore the ways in which we can generate performance from movement impulses and group visual compositions. We will use a mixture of Viewpoints exercises and physical theatre methods. We will choreograph our own expressions and desires, and incorporate into the performance a wide variety of elements (monologue, sign-language, using archetypal objects, contact improvisation, etc). 

The final piece of theatre will be a site-responsive performance that blends verbal-narrative with non-narrative elements.

Peter Hussey is Artistic Director of Crooked House Theatre Company Ireland which he founded in 1993. He is a writer, director and drama facilitator.  He has been a contributor to academic programmes at the National University of Ireland (Maynooth) since 1989. He is an arts consultant, and a trainer in education and youth arts, having worked in Ireland and abroad for over 20 years. Peter has developed and delivered training programmes in theatre-based methods of education and of development to a wide range of organisations and groups, and is responsible for the Ireland’s first undergraduate programme in Directing for Theatre.  He was producer of the annual Connections festival in Ireland for the National Theatre in London, and is founder of the Human Rights Youth Theatre Festival held every year in Newbridge from 2003 to 2009.  His recent work has been developing projects of work with communities in Kildare and in Dublin that use theatre methods as tools for suicide prevention, especially with the 17 to 37 age group. His plays include work for non-theatre sites (Pig House made for a farm, and Do Not Disturb made for hotel bedrooms). Other plays include bending spoons, Waiting for Margot, Showjumping Barbie, Watching Julie Andrews, Our Lady of the Flowers, Faerie LiquidH2O, and Seeing Red.) Peter is researching a doctorate degree on theatre and neuroscience in actor-training. His academic articles include Notes for Imaginers: theatre in the centres of power in Ireland’ in Unsettling the Horses, (MACE Sept 2004; Editors Anne Ryan and Tony Walsh); ‘The Jesus of Rio Syndrome: colonization tendencies amongst arts-workers’ The Adult Learner Sept 2000; and ‘Raising the Wendy House: gay theatre in the nineties’ Gay Community News January 2000. Peter is current Artistic Director of Kildare Youth Theatre. He has directed work with many collaborators in Europe, notably with Theatre Le Grand Bleu (Lille, France), Teatro della Limonaia (Florence, Italy), Rogaland Teater (Stavanger, Norway) and with Erasmus+ programmes in most EU countries.

"Near my body, near my students"
Antigone Gyra, 

Main Workshop: 5 days
Language: English, Greek, 

A workshop for teachers and facilitators. We aim at the familiarization with our bodies and its abilities, in order to activate our communication channels in daily and school life. Through a tame warm-up with neurotically and skeletical based activities, we will move on to games and improvisations with emphasis on daily movement observation and space, time, weight and movement utilization.

We will discuss specific textual approaches through its physical portrayal, the relation between sound and silence, as well as the reinforcement inside a team, using motion and dance as our tools.

Don’t forget to bring: casual outfit, a notebook, some colors, good mood and open-mindness.

Antigone Gyra is a theatre, dance and video-art performances creator. She is a graduate of LABAN CENTRE LONDON, where she got the Graduates Chorographical Award (1993). In 1995-6 she founded the KINITIRAS group (kinitiras.com) with which she has choreographed many works and has organized many seminars lectures on theatre and dance topics. In December 2008 she founded the first residency centre for presentational arts, the Kinitiras Studio (kinitirastudio.com) with Vicky Adamou and Flora Kalomiri. The last 20 years she teaches motion and choreography. She has coordinated with many well-known directors in movement and choreography redaction. Her new vision is EK PLIXI, an action which delivers dance art to Primary Schools.

"A romance in the centaurs shadows: Senses, rhythm, addressing"

Giannis Leontaris director, Aimilia Valvi actress

Main Workshop: 5 days

Language: Greek


Fifth Tab NameChildren's & Young Adolescence's Workshop
Fifth Tab Content


This is a 5 days workshop for young people, 6-12 years old.
"Creating our own world''

with drama pedagogues
Afroditi Haralampaki & Katerina Haska

Language: Greek


"The Birds"
Facilitated by Giorgos Biniaris

Sixth Tab NameMini Workshops & more Camp activities
Sixth Tab Content


Every afternoon and evening there wil be several activities for participants to choose from

"Theatre/Drama Education from A to Z ..focusing on A"
"Mini Workshops" are scheduled for Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 May, from 17:30-20:30
and they are optional
There will be a number of TENet's faclitators to offer several mini 3,5hours workshops!
Language: Greek English

Georgina Kakoudaki
"the basics in theatre education"

Nikos Govas
"Forum Theatre for schools"

Jenny Karaviti
"Creative writing"


Christina Zoniou
"intercultural teacher"


Olivier Malcor
 "How to tackle patriarchy with men and women"

Registration upon arriva


Seventh Tab Name
Seventh Tab Content
Eighth Tab NameApplications - Costs
Eighth Tab Content


The Camp- Seminar is carried out with the voluntary participation/support of the facilitators and organizers. No οne is paid.

The following costs cover the accommodation, food and management expenses.


Cost: 220 Ε

Price includes:

Α) Participation in one "main Workshop" as well as the rest of the “camp activities”,  (mini workshops, project presentations, movie screenings, performances, tours etc.).

Β) 6 overnights in “camp houses” (big tents with  6-7 beds) with common bathrooms, toilets,

C) 3 meals per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner), evening coffee, farewell party. 

No meals are served on the arrival day Monday 24th August. On the last day, Sunday 30th, only breakfast and lunch will be served.

Travelling costs are not included.


Applications process for international non-Greek participants:

Anyone interested should:

Step 1) make a named deposit of the corresponding amount to the bank account: 


ALPHABANK 202-00-2002-000277 or

IBAN GR73 0140 2020 2020 02002 000277,   SORT CODE: CRBAGRAAXXX


Step 2) send an e-mail to info@theatroedu.gr stating
mobile phone,
personal e-mail address
country of origin (as in passport)
Departure and arrival town (we might assist in transportation)
and the main workshop of your choice (please see first the "Main Workshop" page for details and working language of the Workshops) 

Ninth Tab NameHow to get there
Ninth Tab Content


This year’s summer camp will be hosted on the camp premises of YMCA at Agios Ioannis Beach, Mt Pelion Greece. Agios Ioannis, is 55km from Volos, located in a particularly idyllic place, and it is one of the most famous tourist destinations of Mt Pelion during the summer and not only.

The organizing committee of the camp is planning to charter buses

Route 1: Athens-Agios Ioannis

Route 2: Thessaloniki-Katerini-Larisa-Volos-Ag.Ioannis

so that all participants can travel together more economically.


The first step in order to arrive to the Summer Camp is to reach Volos. Visitors from abroad may arrive to Volos, through the international airports of Athens and Thessaloniki, and then by bus  or by train to Volos. Additionally, travellers from abroad may arrive at the neighbouring airport of Agchialos, where international charter flights are scheduled during the summer only. The airport is connected to the city of Volos by the Magnesia Intercity Bus (www.ktelvolou.gr). Taxis are also available outside the terminal.

ATTENTION: Anyone interested should verify the accuracy of the following details


By road or rail


· From Athens by car, through the main highway Athens-Thessaloniki, in approximately 3 hours (320km)

· From Thessaloniki by car, through the main highway Thessaloniki - Athens, in approximately 2 hours and 15min (210km)


From Athens in 4 hours and 30 minutes (320 km)Ticket price: 27,40 € Station of Athens: +30210 8329585, +30 210 8317186

ATHENS-VOLOS Monday- Sunday: 07:00, 09:00, 10:30, 12:00, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00         

VOLOS-ATHENS Monday-Sunday: 04:45 (EXPRESS), 07:00, 09:00 (EXPRESS), 10:30, 12:00 (EXPRESS), 13:30, 15:00, 16:30, 18:00 (EXPRESS), 21:00

FromThessaloniki in approximately 3 hours. Ticket Price: 18,40€ Station of Thessaloniki: +3023210 595424

THESSALONIKI- VOLOS Monday- Sunday: 08:15 (EXPRESS), 11:00 (EXPRESS), 13:15 (EXPRESS), 15:15 (EXPRESS), 17:15 (EXPRESS), 19:15 (EXPRESS), 21:15 (EXPRESS), 23:00 (EXPRESS)

VOLOS-THESSALONIKI Monday-Sunday: 05:45 (EXPRESS), 08:00 (EXPRESS), 10:15 (EXPRESS), 12:15 (EXPRESS), 14:15 (EXPRESS), 16:15(EXPRESS), 18:15 (EXPRESS), 20:30 (EXPRESS)


ATHENS- VOLOS (via a change at Larissa station) Ticket price: 30 -36 €Station of Athens: +30 210 5240646

Monday- Sunday: 07:18, 10:18, 12:18, 14:18, 16:16, 18:18, 23:55

VOLOS- ATHENS (via a change at Larissa station)

Monday- Sunday: 05:30, 07:30, 08:30 (except Saturday and Sunday), 10:25, 11:20 (except Saturday and Sunday), 12:25, 13:40 (except Saturday and Sunday), 15:25, 17:25, 23:25

THESSALONIKI- VOLOS (via a change at Larissa station)Ticket Price: 17- 23 €Station of Thessaloniki: +30 23210 517517

Monday- Sunday: 05:13, 05:37, 07:04, 08:00, 10:04, 10:22, 12:04, 12:58, 14:25, 15:04, 15:37, 16:17, 17:14, 18:04, 18:37, 20:00, 23:00

VOLOS- THESSALONIKI (via a change at Larissa station)

Monday- Sunday: 05:30, 07:30, 08:30, 10:25, 11:20, 12:25, 13:40, 15:25, 17:25, 19:25, 21:25, 23:25

Once you have arrived in the city of Volos, by one of the aforementioned ways of transport, the second and final step in order to arrive at the Summer Camp is to travel from Volos to Agios Ioannis.



From Volos by car in approximately 1 hour (55 km)


Ticketprice: 6,50 € in approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.


Monday- Friday: 04:00, 08:30 (end of bus destination at Agios Dimitrios, a village located 7 km away from Agios Ioannis), 13:30. Saturday: 05:30, 13:30 Sunday 13:30

AGIOS IOANNIS - VOLOS: Monday- Friday: 07:00, 16:45 Saturday: 08:15, 16:45Sunday: 16:45

Station of Volos: +30 24210 33253, +30 24210 33254, +30 2421025527

 For more information:

International Airport of Thessaloniki: tel.: +30 2310 985000/ http://www.thessalonikiairport.com/

International Airport of Athens: tel.:+30 210 35 30 000/http://www.aia.gr/traveler/





Ten Tab NameOrganisation - Communication
Ten Tab Content



Organisation: Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr), Greece

non profit association. ordinary member of IDEA-International Drama/Theatre & Education Association


Organisation/Academic Committee:
Co-ordination: Christina Zoniou
Nikos Govas, Sonia Mologousi, Daphne Moystaklidoy, Hara Tsoukala, Jenny Karaviti, Iro Potamousi, Betty Giannouli, Ioanna Georgakopoulou, Dimitris Mavreas, Mary Kaldi, Georgina Kakoudaki


info@theatroedu.gr / www.theatroedu.gr

Related Tab Name

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