Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Oficina Manta plus democracy and modern slavery

Oficina Manta plus democracy and modern slavery

Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Hugo Miguel Coelho

Event date: 3/21/2025 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM Export event

 Oficina Manta plus democracy and modern slavery


Hugo Miguel Coelho, ExQuorum, Portugal




At Athens International Conference "Theatre/Drama & Inclusive Education"

21-23 of March 2025

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)


Language: English
Limited number of participants


Workshop short description

This workshop has 2 main parts. 


The first part is based on Oficina Manta´s workshop, that combines artistic and sensory expression with movement and spatiality (working on energy); promote the notion of the group, interaction and interdependence of other elements; they explore attention to the body and its universe (imagistic, reminiscent, projective). This programme is based on actor/performer work techniques and composed of fundamental ingredients such as the body, dance, music and movement. It also promotes increased body awareness, improving the quality of movement and developing a sense of rhythm.


The participants are invited to travel along a path that is as they discover it, enhancing their awareness of a certain feeling (changeable and variant) in order to invest in themselves, discovering or rediscovering their creative, expressive and relational creative, expressive and relational potential (with others, with oneself and with the surrounding elements). 


At the second part a creative moment will be proposed. Departing from the previous basis (body and group work), merging documental, history and memory and devised approach to “something” that is, collectively, explored and created. Based on this the topic will be: “Es(cravos)” a word that merges slavery and carnation (the symbol of revolution, from dictatorship to democracy, in Portugal). The purpose is come up with ideas, develop a creative brainstorming, ideas to support the journey and to reflect on the topic: democracy and modern slavery.


At the end, an exhibition of the piece created can be promoted, as if it were a moving and performative installation.


Language: English (basic knowledge of the language is required. However, this will not prevent you from taking part)

For whom: The workshop is aimed at social facilitators, teachers, artists and anyone who wants to explore physicality in the service of creating a dynamic and energetic living script. No previous experience is necessary, - the focus points will be directed at the specific group, or even at the individual participant (duly integrated into the group). The workshop is designed to welcome a diverse and heterogeneous audience.

Participants should wear comfortable (sporty) clothes and, ideally, be barefoot, with socks or shoes suitable for movement (dance, karate, for example).
Workshop includes exercises with possible physical contact.


Hugo Miguel Coelho directs the artistic projects coisasdocorpo and máquinadodesejo, and is a producer at ExQuorum in Portugal. He has a master in Directing and Dramaturgy in Theatre, from the University of Évora, where he completed a degree in Theatre Studies and a postgraduate degree in Contemporary Literary Creations. Has been associated with the Center for Studies in Letters. He studied (in the areas of staging and production) at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona. He has collaborated, as an animator / trainer / facilitator, with several schools, universities, cultural and social entities. Has also, over the years, collaborated with various cultural, artistic and social structures (such as animator, trainer, actor, producer, author, director) in Portugal, Spain, Poland, France, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Wales, Croatia, Greece, Cape Verde. As an author, he has developed texts for film and theatre for projects with various artistic entities. In this context, he received development grants "Pepiniéres Pour Jeunes Artistes" (France), "Criar Lusofonia, National Culture Center / IPLB" (Cape Verde), "Dramaturgy Laboratory / Teatro Meridional" (Portugal). He has been leaning over, especially, about social intervention in the public space through art, geopolitics and historical and emotional memory, in an interaction of several fields, such as performance / theatre, creative writing, video, site specific / human installation.




Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • Conferences
  • 2025 α' τρίμηνο
  • Athens
  • Coelho Hugo Miguel

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