Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Theatre/Drama & Education: Research and Practice

Theatre/Drama & Education: Research and Practice

Athens, 25/11/2018, Working Group Conference 2018, coordinated by Joe Winston

Event date: 11/25/2018 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Export event

  • Attending: 32
  • Seats: 70
  • Remaining: 38
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WORKING GROUP: Theatre/Drama & Education: Research and Practice

Athens, 25/11/2018

Coordinator: Joe Winston, professor University of Warwick, UK  

Antonis Lenakakis, assistant professor, Department of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece,
Ulrike Hentschel, professor, University of Berlin, Germany,
Myrto Pigkou-Repousi, PhD in Theatre in Education, Greece (Reporter)


The context

This working group will focus on issues related to research and practice of the field: ethical dialogues; impact assessment; new theatrical expressions in a multimedia world; theatre/drama as e vehicle to broaden our methodological tools and our possible audiences.

How best can we bring research and practice together?

What kinds of research are of best use to drama/theatre practitioners and participants in their work?

How do we reassert truth and truthfulness as core values in our practices and in our research, in the current political climate?

What is the changing role of the Arts; how do we ensure that Arts are accessible?


Joe Winston is currently Professorial Fellow in Drama and Theatre Education at the University of Warwick, UK. For many years he was co-ordination of the university’s highly successful MA in Drama and Theatre Education and he co-founded the MA in Drama and English Language Teaching, which has been running since 2014. Throughout his career, he has published many books and research articles for academics and teachers. From 2005 to 2015 he was co-editor of Research in Drama Education: the Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. His publication ‘Beauty and Education’ was book of the week in the Times Higher Education Supplement in April, 2010. More recently he has been researching the work of the Royal Shakespeare Company in schools in England and tracking its impact on teachers and their students. Currently Is working closely with drama and theatre groups in China interested in developing educational drama programmes.


Antonis Lenakakis is assistant professor of Drama/Theatre Pedagogy at the Department of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He studied (Education), Sociology, Intercultural Education, Cultural Studies and Drama/Theatre Pedagogy in the Universities of Crete, Essen and Berlin. He received his Master’s degree and his PhD from the University of the Arts of Berlin. He has worked as a teacher in Primary Schools of Crete and Thessaloniki. He has taught at the Institute of Theatre Pedagogy, University of the Arts of Berlin and at the Departments of Preschool Education of the Universities of Crete, Thessaly and Thessaloniki. He published articles in scientific journals and presented papers in numerous conferences in Greece and other countries.


Prof. Dr. Ulrike Hentschel Studied Pedagogy, Social Sciences and Theatrepedagogy in Bochum and in Berlin;
Since 2001 - Professor for Theatrepedagogy at the Berlin University oft he Arts;
Co-Editor of the „Zeitschrift für Theaterpädagogik“ (Journal of Theatrepedagogy);
Since 2012 - Member of the DFG post graduate programme „Das Wissen der Künste“ (Knowledge of the Arts)
2015-2017 - Vice President of the Berlin University of the Arts
Research focuses: Aesthetic Education, Contemporary Theatre in Pedagogy, theatre as a subject in schools, Didactics of Theatrepedagogy
Recent Publications: Theater lehren. Didaktik probieren. Milow 2016.
Ästhetische Bildung – gibt’s die noch? In: torsten Meyer u.a. (ed.) Where the magic happens. Bildung nach der Entgrenzung der Künste. München 2016, S. 155-166.

Myrto Pigkou-Repousi (PhD Theatre Education, University of Warwick) is Cultural and Youth Coordinator of the Integration Centre for Immigrants and Refugees (Municipality of Peiraias) and collaborates as research participant in the project “Youth, Theatre, Radical Hope and the Ethical Imaginary: An intercultural investigation of drama pedagogy, performance and civic engagement” (Ontario Institute of Education, University of Toronto). She has taught the module “Theatre in Education Programs” at the Undergraduate Degree of the School of Drama (Faculty of Fine Arts) at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the module of “Theatre Education” at the Postgraduate Degree of the Theatre Studies (Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies) of Open University of Cyprus.

Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2018
  • Athens

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