Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

2009 8th Theatre Summer Camp - Spetses isl., Greece

2009 8th Theatre Summer Camp - Spetses isl., Greece

Spetses, 21-27/7/2009

Event date: 7/21/2009 12:00 AM - 7/27/2009 12:30 AM Export event

8th Theatre Summer Camp - Spetses isl., Greece 2009
"Contemporary artistic creation: representations and syntheses"
Spetses, 21-27 July 2009 
& “Young Theatre Voices 2009" for teachers, actors, theatre studies experts, students, facilitators and youth

Between 21-27th of July 2009, Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) is hosting in Spetses island for the 8th year in a row a Theatre Summer Camp - Seminar titled "Contemporary artistic creation: representations and syntheses". In the campus of Anargyreos & Korgialeneios School of Spetses, next to the sea, under the guidance of experienced artist-teachers, educators, actors, theatre studies experts, university students, and youth will have the chance to approach important issues and aspects of modern life through theatre techniques and other performative arts. The experiential workshops will focus on theatrical language, set design, audiovisual expressioun, music, rhythm, the relation between democracy and collective theatrical creation. The summer camp - seminar includes 5 experiential workshops, one of which, titled "Young Theatre Voices", is especially designed for youth aged 17-22 (with the support of General Secretariat for Youth). It also includes film projections and discussions under the schoolyard's pine trees, exercise, swimming, rest and - naturally - entertainment. In the last evening the outcomes of the workshops will be presented and a farewell party will follow.

FACILITATORS-SPEAKERS: Βrendon Burns, director, art director for Citizen Arts Foundation (Foundation of the Arts and Active Citizenship), Menis Theodoridis, director, pedagogue Maria Leonida, film director, Kostis Kapelonis, theatre director, Aristeidis Papanikolaou, musician, sociologist, Maria Chaniotaki, MA in set design, visual artist

Lecture & film projection: "Inside school - beyond the desk: an eclectic cinematic retrospection on the education systems as presented in cinema" - Georgina Kakoudaki, theatre studies expert, actress

SCHEDULE: Arrival-registration-settling on: Tuesday 21/7/2009, 12.00-16.30
Departure: Monday 27/7/2009, before 11.00

Location: Anargyreos & Korgialeneios School of Spetses, 1km from the port

ACCOMMODATION: 6 nights in rooms of the School and lunch in its cafeteria (recommended) or in hotels/pensions outside the School.

COORDINATION: Betty Giannouli

SEMINAR'S ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE: Dionysia Asprogeraka, Paschalia Michalopoulou, Iro Potamousi, Ioanna Totsiou, Dina Tsolaki 

Workshop 1: "Democracy and Collective Theatrical Creation: Visions for the Future" - Βrendon Burns, director, art director for Citizen Arts Foundation (Foundation of the Arts and Active Citizenship), 

Workshop 2: "Activities and ways to familiarise educators and students with the basic notions of audiovisual expression" - Menis Theodoridis, director, pedagogue Maria Leonida, film director

Workshop 3: "From zero to poetic monologu" - Kostis Kapelonis, theatre director

Workshop 4: "The language of Rhythm" - Aristeidis Papanikolaou, musician, sociologist

Workshop 5: "Set design in Theatre - a valuable field of cooperation with the team" - Maria Chaniotaki, MA in set design, visual artist

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