Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Despina Mitsiali

Despina Mitsiali

Drama Pedagogue, Greek language and literature teacher

Despina Mitsiali has studied Philology in Athens and acting in Nelly Karra’s “Arhi” Drama school. She holds an MA in “Theatre and Education” from the Department of Primary Education of Athens. She studies Social Policy in Panteion University. She has attended seminars on Human Rights, as well as workshops on Educational Drama, Dramatic play facilitation and Acting techniques. Recently she has been working as a drama pedagogue in groups of children and adolescents and as a trainer in adult workshops. She is a member of the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr). Between 2018 and 2020 she was coordinating TENet-Gr’s actions in “Epikentro”, Actionaid Hellas. Since December 2019 she has been collaborating with the European Wergeland Centre as a teachers’ trainer for the project “Schools for All – Integration of Refugee Children in Greek Schools”. Since September 2020 she has been partnering as a drama pedagogue with the theatre group Syntehnia tou Geliou (“Laughter’s Guild”), under the auspices of “Prosvasis”, a project for the social inclusion of young refugees, implemented by the Network for Children’s Rights and the International Rescue Committee. Since January 2021 she is assistant coordinator for the region of Southern Greece and Islands in the “it could be me; it could be you” project, which is run by TENet-Gr with the cooperation of UNHCR Greece. She has participated in a voluntary role in travels abroad (India, Russia, Germany) with regards to intercultural education and promotion of human rights.


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