Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

"Detecting Literary Characters"

"Detecting Literary Characters"

Chiliomodi Greece 22-27/8/2024, Main Workshop, Summer Camp 2024, Sofia Karagianni

Event date: 8/22/2024 7:30 PM Export event


MAIN WORKSHOP 23-26/8/2024

" Detecting Literary Characters "

Sofia Karagianni

Language: Greek

(more on the Summer Camp 2024 here)


The workshop focuses on detecting the theatrical elements hidden within literary characters and the process of transforming them into stage characters. It is a transformation that moves from reading to the creation of familiar and real characters, and from fantasy to lived reality.

Physical and verbal training will be the basic working methods, along with other techniques such as directed improvisation, circular storytelling, speech management, transferring the story to the present, actions and interactions, internal and external conflicts, collective and individual rhythm, character analysis through kinetic detail, and more.

These techniques will serve as tools to free us from the predetermined text, leading us to a second writing—one that is “written” live by the body and voice.

Specifically, using the reality projected in literary texts (prose and poetry) as an authorial condition, participants will be invited to intervene, provide their own answers, and discover how, through the mutual management of dramaturgy and acting, the story is rewritten not to be read but to be acted out. This way, the pages of our beloved book will become a theatrical scene, and we will become its living characters.

Sofia Karagianni (director – dramaturg – theatrologist - actor) She graduated from Veaki Drama School and the School of Arts of the University of the Peloponnese (Department of Theater Studies). She has been working as an actor since 1998. In 2011 she founded Gaff Theatre Group, and she has been artistic director of the group ever since. Gaff mostly dabbles in adapting literature for the theater and has been critically acclaimed since its first production. Among others, Gaff has produced adaptations of Dostoyevski’s “The Player”, N. Gogol’s “Diary of a Madman”, Camu’s “The Plague”, Molliere’s “The Imaginary Invalid”, all directed by Sofia Karagianni. She was awarded the International Repertoire Award by the Union of Greek Critics for Drama and Music for her direction of Camu’s “The Plague” in 2020/21. The production of “The Plague” also received the Best Director, Best Production and Best Performance by a Male Actor Awards at the 11th Theatrical Awards of Thessaloniki. In 2022/23 along with dramaturg Myrto Athanassopoulou she was awarded the Best Dramaturgy Award by the Hellenic Association of Theatre And Performing Arts Critics for the theatrical adaptation of Chronis Missios’ “Lucky you got killed early”. The same production also received the Best Young Actor Award by the Hellenic Association Of Theatre And Performing Arts Critics. It also received the 3rd Best Production, 2nd Best Director and 3rd Best Performance by a Male Actor Awards at the All4fun Theatre Awards.

Organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)
Info. info@theatroedu.gr / 2106541600

Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2024 γ' τρίμηνο
  • Κορινθία
  • Χιλιομόδι Κορινθίας
  • Καραγιάννη Σοφία

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