Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

"Don’t ask me to relax!”

"Don’t ask me to relax!”

Chiliomodi Greece, 28/8/2023, complementary-afternoon workshop for students, Theatre Summer Camp 2023, Giorgos Moschos, Dimitris Konetas

Event date: 8/28/2023 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Export event

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

Chiliomodi Town, Greece 25-30/8/2023



"Don’t ask me to relax!”

George Moschos Dimitris Konetas



George Moschos studied law in Athens and criminology (M. Phil) in London. He has been trained through seminars in self-awareness, adult education, organization of youth clubs and drama for children. He has been working, animating and supporting children and adolescents threatened by social exclusion, defending youth rights and training professionals and volunteers in his fields of expertise. In 2003, he was appointed as the first Children’s Ombudsman in Greece (Deputy Ombudsman for Children’s Rights) and served in this position until January 2018. As a children’s rights expert, he has collaborated with the Council of Europe and many other organisations. He is a founding member of Initiative for Article 12 UNCRC (InArt.12), an association aiming to strengthen and disseminate the right of children to freely express their views. Since June 2022 he collaborates with the Child and Adolescents Mental Health Initiative, coordinating its Youth Engagement Scheme YES.


Dimitris Konetas has been secretary of the board of directors of the Greek Union of Computer Scientists, received his diploma and 1st Master from the Computer Engineering & Informatics Department of the University of Patra. A Master in Education (M.Ed.) from the Hellenic Open University, a diploma from the School of Instructors for Vocational and Technical Training (ASPAITE) and his candidacy as a PhD candidate at the ICT and Distance Education Laboratory of the Preschool Education Dept. of the University of Ioannina followed. He has been working as an Information Technology consultant as a System (Librarian) Administrator as well as in a variety of E.C. projects and personnel training programs. His main scientific interest and publications focus upon educational technology, Social network analysis, NP-complete problems, Graph Theory, Object Oriented Programming and environmental education. He has been teaching Computer Science in Secondary Education of Ioannina, in Johns Hopkins’ University Greek Centre for Talented Youth as well as in the Department of Computer Engineering of the School of Applied Technology, of the Technological Educational Institution of Epirus. As a teacher in the Secondary Education he has coordinated more than 100 national and international projects (e.g. multilateral, bilateral, Assistantship, Leonardo, Interreg, Erasmus & Grundtvig) dealing mainly with European citizenship, refugee flow, volunteerism, biodiversity, addictions, Innovation, Human rights, STEAM and Theatre. Since 2021 he is elected as Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network.

Action Category
  • Workshops for students
  • 2023 γ΄τρίμηνο
  • Κορινθία
  • Μόσχος Γιώργος
  • Κονετάς Δημήτρης

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