Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Gyra Antigone

Gyra Antigone

Choreographer, Greece

Antigone Gyra creates dance and theatre performances as well as video art. Antigone is the mother of three children. She graduated from Laban Centre London with distinction and she was awarded with the Graduates’ Choreography award in 1993. In 1996 she created Kinitiras Dance Spectacle (Chorotheama) company with which she has choreographed many works until today. She has also facilitated workshops and has given lectures on dance and theatre subjects. In theatre she has cooperated as a choreographer and movement director with many theatre companies including the National Theatre of Greece and the National Theatre of Cyprus. In December 2008 she was the co-founder of the first residency centre for the performance arts in Greece, Kinitiras Studio. In September 2015 she re-established Kintiras as the Artistic Network for Performing Arts. Antigone, in 2012, while working as a volunteer in the 2nd Primary School of Voulashe got the inspiration for the new performance EK PLIXI (Sur Prise) that brings dance in schools (www.ekplixi.com)


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