Prof. Dr. Ulrike Hentschel Studied Pedagogy, Social Sciences and Theatrepedagogy in Bochum and in Berlin;
Since 2001 - Professor for Theatrepedagogy at the Berlin University oft he Arts;
Co-Editor of the „Zeitschrift für Theaterpädagogik“ (Journal of Theatrepedagogy);
Since 2012 - Member of the DFG post graduate programme „Das Wissen der Künste“ (Knowledge of the Arts)
2015-2017 - Vice President of the Berlin University of the Arts
Research focuses: Aesthetic Education, Contemporary Theatre in Pedagogy, theatre as a subject in schools, Didactics of Theatrepedagogy
Recent Publications: Theater lehren. Didaktik probieren. Milow 2016.
Ästhetische Bildung – gibt’s die noch? In: torsten Meyer u.a. (ed.) Where the magic happens. Bildung nach der Entgrenzung der Künste. München 2016, S. 155-166.