Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

LOGOS: on stage words with meaning

LOGOS: on stage words with meaning

Pelion Greece, 25-31/8/2019, Erasmus seminar, Peter Hussey, Georgina Kakoudaki

Event date: 8/25/2019 5:00 PM - 8/31/2019 3:00 PM Export event

LOGOS: on stage words with meaning

Crooked House Theater Company

For 30 participants from Greece and Ireland

Facilitation: Peter Hussey, Georgina Kakoudaki

As part of this year's summer camp we welcome Crooked House Theatre Company from Ireland, which will be conducting a project called LOGOS which involves 15 young Irish and 15 young Greek participants in collaboration with the Hellenic Theatre/Drama Education Network. LOGOS is funded by the Erasmus Plus programme of the European Union. The project brings together the young people to work with each other, and with experienced theatre makers. The aim is to explore how we can use our theatre making skills to address social and political issues that concern us.

LOGOS: on stage words with meaning
 In this Erasmus+ funded project between Irish and Greek young theatre makers we will explore how theatre-making can address contemporary issues that have impact on our society.  The participants will work with Irish artist, Peter Hussey, and Greek artist Georgina Kakoudaki, to discover several ways of devising theatre and reinventing the words for the stage, that will lead to a collective theatre piece at the end of the week.

Organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) as part of the Theatre Summer Camp "Pelion Greece 2019"
Info: ++302106541600 / info@theatroedu.gr / www.TheatroEdu.gr

Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • Logos
  • 2019 γ' τρίμηνο
  • Αγ. Γιάννης Πηλίου
  • Kakoudaki Georgina
  • Hussey Peter

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