Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Theatre Directing Workshop

Theatre Directing Workshop

Chiliomodi Greece, 28/8/2023 complementary-afternoon workshop, Theatre Summer Camp 2023, Menelaos Karatzas

Event date: 8/28/2023 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Export event

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

Chiliomodi Town, Greece 25-30/8/2023



28/8/2023 5.30pm-8.30pm


Theatre Directing Workshop

Menelaos Karantzas


This workshop will begin with a brief theoretical presentation of the essence of theatre directing and the work a director does in theatre. Then, through a series of practical exercises, some techniques of theatre directing will be presented, which the participants will be able to use in the future as tools for setting up scenes and performances. Special focus will be given to how we begin to present a story on a theatre stage, how movement reveals substance, how an image produces meaning, how the use of space contributes to narrative and how dramaturgical analysis supports acting. Throughout the workshop, participants will continuously shift from the role of actor to the role of director and will be asked to put into practice knowledge and techniques which they may have acquired through previous contact with theatre education and practice.

Menelaos Karantzas was born in Athens. He graduated with honours from the Department of Theatre Studies of the NKUA. He holds an MFA in Theatre Directing from East 15 Acting School of the University of Essex and has attended a course in Theatre Directing at the ГИТИС School, in Moscow. He is a student of the MSc in Cultural Organisations Management at the Hellenic Open University. He holds a Diploma in Translation between Greek and English, he has attended seminars in Playwrighting at EKEMEL and Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, as well as courses in Stage and Costume Design at Stavrakos School. He is an Adult Educator certified by EOPPEP. He has taught at the Drama School of the Athens Conservatory, the Theatre of Changes, DTS/NKUA, the National Technical University of Athens, the Stavrakos School and many Public Institutes of Vocational Learning. He works as theatre director, dramaturg, translator and dramaturgical consultant for Greek and British playwrights, and he has also worked as drama teacher in London. He was a collaborator of the National Theatre's Summer Academy (2006-2009) and for two consecutive years (2015-2016) he participated in the Directors Lab at Lincoln Center Theater in New York. Theatre Directing Credits (selection): The Phlebotomist by Ella Road (& translation), Anesis Theatre, Athens 2023, Achilles’ Lovers by Christina Karavezyri, Epigraphic Museum of Athens, 2022, Our Town by Thornton Wilder, Altera Pars Theatre, Athens 2019, slope by Pamela Carter (& translation), Neos Kosmos Theatre, Athens 2018, Ocean by Alessandro Baricco, Neos Kosmos Theatre, Athens 2017, Which Body? by E. Cosma & K. Kontaxakis, Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, Athens 2016, I want a country by Andreas Flourakis, Directors Lab, LCT, New York 2016, Which Body? by Eleni Cosma & Korina Kontaxakis, Aggelon Vima Theatre, Athens 2016, Tamburlaine by Christopher Marlow, Directors Lab, LCT, Νέα Υόρκη 2015, Time for Heroes by Kevin Lee, Barons Court Theatre, London 2015, Sotiria’s Army by Antonis & Konstantinos Koufalis, Riverside Studios Theatre, London 2014, Doubles by Michael Frayn, Corbett Theatre, London 2013, Publius Horatius by Menelaos Karantzas (& dramaturgy), White Bear Theatre, London 2013



Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2023 γ΄τρίμηνο
  • Κορινθία

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