Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Quarantine Monologues – Creative writing workshops

Quarantine Monologues – Creative writing workshops

Online, April&May 2020

Event date: 6/1/2020 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Export event

Quarantine Monologues – Creative writing workshops


Online, April&May 2020

In April and May 2020, twenty four (24) teenager refugees (boys and girls) with different backgrounds and origins such as Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran Pakistani Balochistan, citizens of Syria, Cameroon and Benin, Kurds from Syria and Somalians, participated in 15 online creative writing workshops facilitated by four Greek writers.

The creative writing workshops provided a forum to teenager refugees who live in various facilities and regions of the country to voice their thoughts and emotions while the coronavirus quarantine was still in place.

On Monday 1/6/2020, the participants, the workshop facilitators, the interpreters and all "contacts", together with representatives of the collaborating partners met online for an evaluation and celebration of the action.

Comments and impressions were heard, wishes were exchanged, dreams were shared.

Organisation: Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network, in collaboration with UNHCR Greece, (the UN Refugee Agency) as part of the  “it could be me – it could be you” project. “it could be me – it could be you” is an awareness raising project, targeting the educational community at large, on refugees and human rights using experiential learning, theatre and educational drama techniques

Information: +302106541600 / humanrights@theatroedu.gr / www.TheatroEdu.gr


Action Category
  • Workshops for students
  • κι αν ήσουν εσύ;
  • Μονόλογοι σε καραντίνα
Εργαστήρια για Μαθητές
  • Μονόλογοι σε καραντίνα
  • 2020 β' τρίμηνο
  • Διαδικτυακά
  • Athens

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