Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Fanouraki Clio

Fanouraki Clio

Assistant professor, Faculty of Theatre Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, director, writer, Greece,

Clio Fanouraki graduated with distinction from the Department of Theatre Studies, University of Athens, and the Drama School Themelio. She holds a Master’s Degree in Theatre and Contemporary Practice from the University of Hull and a Bachelor’s Degree with Honours in Film Studies from the University of Greenwich (teaching institution: New York College of Athens). She holds a doctoral degree in Τheatre Education from the Department of Theatre Studies, University of Patras. She has been an Adjunct-Fellow Lecturer (under semester contracts) in the Department of Theatre Studies University of Patras teaching “Theory and Practice of Theatre/Drama Education” (2007-2016), as well as a Research Fellow at the Postgraduate Programme Theatre Studies at the Open University of Cyprus (2015-2018), teaching the subject of “Theatre/Drama Education”. She has conducted research training workshops on the didactics of theatre for educators, students, and community groups in Greece. Her scientific interests and research focus on theatre/drama education, contemporary theatre and performance, theatre and digital technologies, bilingual/multicultural drama education, writing, teaching and directing drama and theatre for children, teenagers and adults. Clio Fanouraki has written articles in referred books, journals and conference papers. Clio Fanouraki has been active in teaching, writing and directing theatre and film for children, young people and adults. She has written and directed the feature film Xamou (2016), the short film for children and teenagers Ftou! Freedom for All (2010), the short film Medea (2012), as well as performances for contemporary theatre (The Praline Fairy and the Magic HazelnutMoon Please do not sleep etc). She has participated as an actress in theatre performances and movies and has worked in the field of research and production for documentaries, film, theatre and art festivals.





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