Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Travel in my Mind: an invitation and a challenge

Travel in my Mind: an invitation and a challenge

Pilion Greece, 26/8-1/9/2018 Maria Pavlidi

Event date: 8/26/2018 - 9/1/2018 Export event

Theatre Summer Camp – Pilio 2018, Greece
26/8-1/9/2018, Agios Ioannis Beach Pilio Greece
Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network  (



 Travel in my Mind: an invitation and a challenge

Maria Pavlidi

3 hours, Language Greek


In this workshop we will use the fundamental principle “support my teammate while at the same time being supported by him/her.” Through games and improvisation based on physical theatre and clown techniques, we will aim to get closer, physically as well as spiritually. We will work in groups and in pairs in order to create our own scenarios, stories, lyrics and songs. We will make an effort to listen to the other and work on what they offer us. Liberated from our Ego, we will try to offer our teammate what they want.

Only imagine doing this in real life....



Maria Pavlidi was born in Athens, Greece in 1966. She has studied German Language & Literature  at the University of Athens and at the drama school Ecole Philippe Gaulier in London (1993-1994), where she was an assistant teacher. She has participated in several theatre workshops with Siscu Margenat, Rodrigo Malbran, Theatre de Complicite, Catherine Chaub, Simon Abkarian, Torgei Weethal, Tapa Sudana, Nikos Govas, Georgina Kakoudaki, Nassia Choleva, Iro Potamoussi, Vera Lardi, Christina Zoniou, Mary Kaldi, Katerina Sarropoloulou, Mario Gonzales, Christina Gentzik, Freya Conesa, Svetlana Khingenskaja, Gael Perry and others.She has participated in the show “Zaza de A a Z” in the French Institute of Athens (IFA) (Athens and Dijon), directed by J.J Tesson, “2 at FM” clown show with Fransisco Brito, and in a devised performance with the group “A Bottle in the Sea’’. Since 1988 she has worked with Zoi and Dionissis Valassis on educational programmes (“With a Book I fly”) and children’s' book presentations. She teaches German at a Greek High School, where she organises theatre groups and participates in a devised theatre group. She has taught clown theatre since 1998. Since 1998 she has been a member of the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network in Greece.


Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • Camps
  • 2018
  • Αγ. Γιάννης Πηλίου
  • Παυλίδη Μαρία

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