Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

2011 10th Theatre Summer Camp - Spetses isl., Greece

2011 10th Theatre Summer Camp - Spetses isl., Greece

Spetses, 25-30/8/2011

Event date: 8/25/2011 12:00 AM - 8/30/2011 12:30 AM Export event

10th Theatre Summer Camp - Spetses isl., Greece 2011
"All the world is a stage"
& 4th International Theatre Summer Camp for Young People “Young Theatre Voices 2011”
Spetses 25-30 August 2011 

"Thousands of years we walk. "Sky" we call the sky "sea" we call the sea. Everything will change one day and we will change with them... to the deeper meaning of a humble Paradise, which our real self is, our right, our freedom, the second and true ethic sun of ours." Odysseas Elytis, Little Nautilus

2002-2011: 10 years of Theatre Summer Camps: Little and big stories, parallel routes, investigations, encounters. Teachers, students, artists who create together, who laugh together, who dance and sing together, whose emotions are stirred by light days together. Friends from all around Greece, Europe, America and Asia. A large gathering of friends that gets larger every summer. This has been for 10 years now the Theatre Summer Camp in Spetses island, Greece. A place of meeting, joy, creation, personal and communal transformation. Every time we carve roles and bring scenes to life with the belief that "everything will change one day and we will change with them", as the poet says. With the same power and hope, Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr), celebrating this year the 10 years of the Theatre Summer Camp - Seminar, renews our appointment in the island of Spetses for 25-30 August 2011. In the campus of Anargyreos & Korgialeneios School of Spetses, next to the sea, educators, actors, directors, theatre studies researchers, university students, youth group facilitators and youth will compose and narrate stories communally, will carve roles, will discover how theatre can be applied in conflict resolution, will liberate the trapped emotion, will rehearse a play, will meet different theatrical techniques and forms. The Camp-Seminar includes experiential workshops, and the 4th Theatre Summer Camp for Young People "Young Theatre Voices 2011”. This youth group includes 2 teenagers from Palestine who wrote two of the "Gaza Monologues", texts that were the basis for TENet-Gr's eponymous extensive project in 2010. The Camp - Seminar also includes film projections and discussions under the schoolyard's pine trees, exercise, bathing, rest and - naturally - entertainment. This year, David Oddie will present the play Albert & Equiano, which posits the issue of social justice through a historic biography. The play has been met with success in the UK, Palestine and many African countries. In the last evening the outcomes of the workshops will be presented and we will celebrate the 10 years of the Theatre Summer Camp together with facilitators and friends who have contributed to its journey until now.

100 and 1 persons participated in the camp's program, which besides the workshops included parallel events:
Presentation of 5 Gaza Monologues, two of which were given in their original language, Arabic, by their own authors, while three were given in Greek by teenagers who had participated in the previous year in the "Gaza Monologues" project in various cities of Greece. A touching moment was when one of the students listened to the monologue she was giving in the project in its original language by a person of her age.
Lecture & video projection by Georgina Kakoudaki, titled: "forms of humor in the cinematic language" . The hilarious presentation became food for thought around the use of humor in school, in the context of a theatrical play, but also when it develops in the classroom. 
Presentation of the play Albert & Equiano, a monologue where actor David Oddie embodied all the roles in order to narrate us the terrible story of Equiano, a kid turned slave who managed to buy his freedom.
- Youth workshop presentation titled "Emotion: restoring our relationship with ourself and the others". The summer camp concluded with a party for the 10 years of Theatre Summer Camps, which was attended by even more friends and collaborators of TENet-Gr from its journey so far.

FACILITATORS-SPEAKERS: Dimitris Kataleifos, director, actor, David Oddie, actor, educator, speaker for the international projects ARROW and INDRA (international rapproachment through Art), Kostas Filippoglou, director, actor, Sofia Paschou, actress, Koldo Vio, director, drama pedagogue, Martha Katsaridou, educator, drama pedagogue, Georgina Kakoudaki, actress, theatre studies expert

Workshop 1: Drama’s solution: theatre/drama and conflict resolution, David Oddie, actor, educator, speaker for the international projects ARROW and INDRA (international rapproachment through Art)

Workshop 2: Physical Theatre and improvisation: composition and presentation of stories on a group canvas, Kostas Filippoglou, director, actor, Sofia Paschou, actress

Workshop 3: Rehearsals for a theatre play, Dimitris Kataleifos, director, actor

Workshop 4: Theatre as a bridge of communication with ourselves and the others, (Only for young people aged 17-23), Koldo Vio, director, drama pedagogue, Martha Katsaridou, educator, drama pedagogue

SCHEDULE: Arrival-registration-settling in: Thursday 25/8/2011, 11.00-14.00 - Departure: TuesdayΤρίτη 30/8/2011, before 11.00

Location: Anargyreos & Korgialeneios School of Spetses, 1km from the port

ACCOMMODATION: 5 nights in rooms of the School and lunch in its cafeteria (recommended) or in hotels/pensions outside the School.

SEMINAR'S ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE: Dina Tsolaki, Martha Katsaridou, Sonia Mologousi, Nasia Choleva

ORGANIZATION: Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

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