Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

(ALL SEATS ARE FILLED) Devising memory

(ALL SEATS ARE FILLED) Devising memory

Athens, 24/11/2018, Workshop, Anna Tsichli-Boissonnas

Event date: 11/24/2018 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM Export event

  • Attending: 15
  • Seats: 15
  • Remaining: 0
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 Devising memory

Athens, 24/11/2018

Anna Tsichli-Boissonnas, theatre director, dramaturg, member of specialized and laboratory teaching staff, University of Peloponnese, Greece

Workshop 2,5 hours
organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) 

Language: Greek 

Memory is the topic of the workshop and it will be approached through different techniques from devised theatre. There will be lots of practical exercises and less talking. The methodology and the applications used in this workshop can be used in any educational practice and creative procedure. The workshop aims indeed to provide enough tools for devising and creating one’s own project. It will reinforce collective techniques, group building skills, as well as, the exchange of ideas and ways of communication in order to create a performance. It is perfect for dramaturgs, teachers, performers, directors, students and for whoever has the curiosity and the inspiration to devise. Participants are asked to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Each participant should bring a photograph and a personal object. 


Anna Tsichli-Boissonnas studied at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (BA in Theatre Studies), The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama/University of London (MA in Performance Studies), Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (PhD). She is currently attending the CAS Performative Arts at the University of Bern, Institute of Theatre Studies. Since 2005, she is teaching “Theatre Production” and “Theatre Directing” at the BA and MA Programs of Studies of the Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Peloponnese. In the past years, she taught at the Postgraduate Programme in Theatre Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Open University of Cyprus, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama/University of London and at drama schools, detoxification centers, arts centers and schools in Greece, Cyprus, Denmark, Switzerland and UK. She participated in festivals, congresses, committees, European research programs and workshops in Greece, Cyprus, UK, Denmark and Switzerland. Her papers have been published in Greek and international collective volumes, scientific publications and academic conferences’ proceedings. She devised and directed performances, video art, events and happenings. She has collaborated as a dramaturg and theatre director with several movement and performance-based groups in Greece and abroad. 

Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2018
  • Athens
  • Tsichli-Boissonnas Anna

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