Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

The Drama-Theatre Workshop - a Mediterranean model inspired by the workshops of Drama at UQAM, Université du Québec à Montréal

The Drama-Theatre Workshop - a Mediterranean model inspired by the workshops of Drama at UQAM, Université du Québec à Montréal

Αθήνα, 24/11/2012, Εργαστήριο Συνδιάσκεψης 2012, Navarro Antoni Amorós

Event date: 11/24/2012 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM Export event


«Θέατρο & Εκπαίδευση: δεσμοί αλληλεγγύης»

Navarro Antoni: "The Drama-Theatre Workshop - a Mediterranean model inspired by the workshops of Drama at UQAM, Université du Québec à Montréal"

The Drama-Theatre Workshop
a Mediterranean model inspired by the workshops of Drama at UQAM, Université du Québec à Montréal

Navarro Antoni Amorós
Teacher at the Postgraduates studies Theater and Education (Universidad de Valencia)


Workshop 3 hours

Language English (με βοήθεια στη μετάφραση)


This workshop will introduce the fundamental components of the dramatization analyzing what are the objectives, content and type of activities which we understand, from our practice, drama-theater workshop with young trainees: spatiotemporal organization, figure of the teacher as artist-educator, brainstorming, flexible interactions of the creative process, the art of the mix of all the elements of the workshop, the teaching of the “contraintes”, etc.

We leave the justification of the “added value” of incorporating drama-theater workshop in school environment as this contribute to the formation of individual knowledge, procedures and values​​, whose ultimate goal is the construction of "self" as a personal project interrelating facets cognitive, creative, physical and emotional.

As for the contents that will raise the essence of drama is the study of personal relationships in various forms of expression (dance, movement, speaking, improvisation, representation) and propose a series of activities that function as metaphors type of our teaching practice for each of the moments of the drama-theater workshop: icebreakers, warm up, focus (dramatization) and feed-back.

Regarding the methodology we will use is practical-theoretical, and elaborates the theory from practice from common reflection. Finally, we offer some suggestions and instruments for assessing and monitoring the work from manuals, files and Internet educational tools that we have created in the Web 2.0.

Antoni Navarro Amoroso (Valencia 1960) has a degree in Hispanic Studies from the University of Valencia, diploma in audiovisual language by UNED and Masters in Teaching of Drama in the UQAM (University of Quebec at Montreal). Language arts teacher since 1984, currently working in the educational advisor of Sagunt CEFIRE (Valencia).While drama-theater specialist coordinator of Graduate Theatre in Education of the UV, has published numerous tutorials, articles on theater magazines, and manuals of literature Itineraris and Workshop skit-Ed Theatre. He has also translated several plays: TU PEUX TOUJOURS DANCER (teen drama) of L.D. Lavigne, and Les Cunyades-LES BELLES-SOEURS (landmark of Quebec literature) by Michel Tremblay. As tallerista teaches courses throughout the Spanish territory and in several European countries, on the teaching of literature, drama in young and Web 2.0 as a teaching tool.


Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2012
  • Athens
  • Navarro Amoroso Antoni

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