Maria Dim. Fragi, theatre theoretician-director, SSP at the Department of Theatrical Studies of the University of Patras was born in Athens. She studied drama and has beenacting and directing at the theatre since 1983. She graduated from theDepartment of Philosophy of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds a PhD in Letters and Humanities specialised in the Arts of Dramatic Performance-Theatre from the University ofPARIS X-NANTERRE. She has directed several professional and amateur theatrical groups focusing on the study andresearch of performances for younger audiences. She has founded the “Lab of Theatrical Research and Art”of the University of Crete and the Drama Club "ΤI ΘΑ ΠΕΙ" of the University of Athens. She has been teachingTheatre/Drama theory and Actingto Universities of Greece and abroad since 1997 to date. She is the author ofnumerous articles and essays related to theatre for children and adolescents.