Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Shadow in theatre

Shadow in theatre

Athens, 24/11/2018, Workshop, Georgios Bekiaris, Kalliopi Voulgari

Event date: 11/24/2018 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM Export event

  • Attending: 14
  • Seats: 15
  • Remaining: 1
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Shadow in theatre

Athens, 24/11/2018

Georgios Bekiaris, primary school teacher, theatre theoretician, Greece
Kalliopi Voulgari, primary school teacher, Greece

Workshop 5 hours
The workshop hours are 9:30am-12:00pm and 3:00pm-5:30pm, according to the timetable.

organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) 

Language: Greek

The world of shadows in theatre constitutes an inexhaustible field for experimentation and creation. The aim of this experiential workshop is to familiarize participants with the features and practices of modern shadow theater and to experiment with shadow techniques and alternative ways of using them in a theatrical context. At the level of theory, we will approach issues related to the symbolism of the shadow, its aesthetic features, vocabulary and dramaturgy of modern shadow theater. At the level of practice, we will explore and become familiar with the means and techniques of shadow expression: objects that create interesting shadows, appropriate illumination based on the theatrical condition, relation of the distance of the object / body to the light source, positioning and movement of the bodies in relation to the screen. In the last part of the workshop, in small groups we are going to use objects, cardboard, transparencies, lighting, music and our bodies in order to create improvised scenes. The workshop is addressed to teachers of all levels and specialties, to special education pedagogues, to facilitators and artists. Participants can bringsmall objects that create interesting shadows.


Georgios Bekiaris is a certified primary school teacher, as well as a theatre theoretician. He facilitates drama workshops for primary school students and youth groups. Asshadow theatre techniques have been one of his well-trained skills, he has directed in 2015, “Maypole of shadows and colors…”, a shadow theatre performance which was produced by Theatre-in-Education group PAiTheA (ΠAιΘέΑ), of which he is a founding member. He has also been a trainer in the workshops of the National Theatre, “Theatre near the teachers” in 2017.  In addition, he has contributed to the creation of “349’ to go…”, a TiE project about bullying, also produced by PAiTheA (ΠAιΘέΑ).He participated in the editing of new curricula and teachers’ guides for the subjects of Drama for primary education, Classroom Drama and Dramatization for Secondary Art Schools. He has been a member of “it could be me – it could be you” project since 2015 as a teacher trainer and regional coordinator. He is currently a member of the board of directors in TENet-Gr.

Kalliopi Voulgari lives and works in Patras as a teacher in primary school. She has Master degree in "Ancient Greek Theatre" from the Department of Theatre Studies at the University of Patras. She is interested in acquainting students with ancient drama and the alternative use of mythological material, mainly through theatrical techniques. She is a founding member of the Theatre-in-Education group PAiTheA (ΠAιΘέΑ) and participated in a long-term project of experimentation about the use of shadows in theater which created “Maypole of shadows and colors”, a shadow theatre performance. She also participated in the creation and implementation of “349’ to go”, a TiE project about bullying which is used as a tool for raising awareness and is addressed to students and teachers. She is a member of the Hellenic Theatre / Drama and Education Network, and participates in the “it could be me – it could be you” project as a teacher and student trainer.

Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2018
  • Athens
  • Voulgari Kalliopi
  • Mpekiaris Giorgos

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