Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Issue 8 (2007)

Issue 8 (2007)

"Education & Theatre" Journal, Issue 8, 2007

The Kids End Up On The Street: Local communities in Nepal use participatory performance practices to question the local school system and the plight of lower caste children within it.
Alex Mavrocordatos

Dance training and cultural transmission in Tanzanian schools
Herbert F. Makoye

Pedagogy of experience, drama intelligence and the continuous being 
David Keir Wright

Ancient Greek Drama School performances in postwar Greece
Evaggelia Moula

(available in Greek) 

Playback Theatre 
Lambros Giotis 

(available in Greek)

TiE projects on Health Education: «Stefania and the ballon» 
Persephone Sextou, Sofia Hadinikolaou 

(available in Greek)

Athens 1st Dramatherapy & Playtherapy Congress - a report 
Atalandi Apergi 

(available in Greek)

6th IDEA Congress, Hong Kong 2007: «Planting Ideas” – a report 
Mary Kaldi, Nassia Choleva 

(available in Greek)

Book review
Augusto Boal,
«The Aesthetics of the Oppressed»
Gianna Pitouli

(available in Greek)

John O’ Toole – and the Drama Australia Research Community,
«Doing Drama Research; stepping into enquiry in drama, theatre and education»
Nassia Choleva 

(available in Greek)

Philip Taylor, «Assessment in Arts Education» 
Valia Loutrianaki 

(available in Greek)


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