Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Lavda Myrto

Lavda Myrto

Head of Educational Programs, Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens, Greece,

Myrto Lavda studied History of Art and pursued her post-graduate studies at Teachers College of Columbia University, New York, in the field of Art Education. She has worked as in the Education Department of the MoMA and in the Education Department of the Museum of Cycladic and Ancient Greek Art in Greece. Since 2010 she has been the head of the Educational Program at the Onassis Cultural Centre (OCC) in Athens. At the OCC she has developed programs for infants, children, adolescents and adults, programs for schools (primary and secondary) as well as projects focusing on special needs groups. The education program covers all the fields that are included in the OCC’s program; theatre, dance, music, visual arts, new media.


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